Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: Grid
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
Scotland Against Spin Conference, 24 November 2013, Stirling
Mike Stigwood, MAS Environmental Wind Farms Noise: The Sacrifice of the Rural Minorities [click here to download mp4 (110 MB)] Jeremy Nicholson, Energy Intensive Users Group [click here to download mp4 (77 MB)] Mike Hall, Friends of Eden, Lakeland & Lunesdale Scenery The Cost of Wind Energy [click here to download mp4 (75 MB)] Mike Haseler, Scottish Climate & Energy Forum Economics, Energy & Wind [click here to download mp4 (68 MB)] Gordon Hughes, University of Edinburgh Renewables Policy and . . .
Urge your senators to reject a national RES
Update: Yesterday afternoon (Sept. 21), Senators Bingaman (D-NM), Brownback (R-KS), Dorgan (D-ND), Collins (R-ME), Udall (D-NM), and Udall (D-CO) introduced a 15% by 2021 renewable electricity standard (RES) bill, The Renewable Electricity Promotion Act. For this RES only bill to move forward, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will need to allow this bill to come up for a floor vote, and at least 60 Senators will need to vote in favor of it. The primary purpose of the RES is . . .
Aesthetics, Economics, Emissions, Environment, Grid, Publications, Wildlife •
Source: John Etherington
The Wind Farm Scam
The spectre of global warming and the political panic surrounding it has triggered a goldrush for renewable energy sources without an open discussion of the merits and drawbacks of each. In The Wind Farm Scam Dr Etherington argues that in the case of wind power the latter far outweigh the former. Wind turbines cannot generate enough energy to reduce global CO2 levels to a meaningful degree; what’s more wind power is by nature intermittent and cannot generate a steady output, . . .
NYISO interconnection queue wind projects
As of April 8, 2009, seventy wind projects are in the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) interconnection queue [click here for latest information from NYISO], accounting for (summer) nameplate generation capacity of nearly 9,200 megawatts (1,400 of which result from the offshore LIPA project). Of these projects: 11 are in service (See NYISO press release of 4/22 indicating that over 1,200 MW are in operation, having grown by 300% over the last year) the average size is 131.4 megawatts the . . .
Electrical Energy Storage — Economics and Potential
Electrical energy storage (apart from pumped storage hydropower) is still a peripheral part of the power generation infrastructure. However, the advancing use of renewable energy, particularly wind power, will change the perception of storage and lead to significant increase of its use. At the same time, developments over the last ten to twenty years have brought a range of new storage technologies to the brink of commercialization. However, commercial projects are in short supply. The Future of Electrical Energy Storage . . .
Aesthetics, Blogs, Environment, Grid, Letters, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma •
Source: Marty Jorgenson
Wind industry pushing emergency eminent domain law for access to private lands
Here is a letter I received from a rancher in Oklahoma who has been fighting the wind industry. Hi, my name is Sue Selman and I live in northwest Oklahoma. My friends and I have been fighting the wind industry for the last year and half. Our area is under siege too. There are several wind farms in the area and many more planned and then there are the horrible transmission lines planned. This is a beautiful part of the . . .
Action alerts, Aesthetics, Energy, Grid, Meetings, Vermont •
Source: Paul Kenyon
VPIRG pushes wind at meetings about shutting down Vt. Yankee
Last night [Jan. 22] I attended a meeting of our local energy awareness group at which VPIRG [Vermont Public Interest Research Group] presented their arguments for the dismantling of Vt. Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon, Vt. VPIRG was pushing their energy vision for Vt. without power from the nuke plant and wind power, commercial wind power almost entirely, making up 20% of the power of the new Vt. The VPIRG presenter is a young guy apparently traveling around the . . .