Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: Information
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
How to Run a Campaign to Stop Big Energy
We at Communities B4 Power Companies (CB4PC) have been asked on several occasions, ‘Where do we start?’ Starting a campaign can be overwhelming. Not only are most people embarking upon a leadership role they had never anticipated, but it’s probably one that involves learning a whole new subject! But once you get stuck in, you will find people support you and want to lend a hand. Your knowledge of the new subject grows daily and you will begin to feel . . .
Ask Questions Before Signing a Contract
GET INFORMED BEFORE SIGNING! ASK QUESTIONS! Does signing an Option Contract lock me in with a developer for turbines, whether I want them or not? Is the original contract term 50 years? How long is the developer’s option to extend? Will my children and grandchildren be tied to the contract after I’m gone? How much of my land will the wind turbine developer have 100% access to for building roads, placing buried and above-ground transmission lines, and installing turbines? Will . . .
Environment, Health, Indiana, Information, Noise, Wildlife •
Source: Tipton County, Indiana, residents
Wildcat Wind Complaints
Click here to download all of the above in a single PDF.
Economics, Emissions, Environment, Essays, Health, Impacts, Information, Law, Noise, Property values, Wildlife •
Source: Coalition for Rural Property Rights
Industrial wind turbines are being proposed in your community
Industrial wind turbines are being proposed in your community. It may seem like a great opportunity but many people regret signing contracts, others regret not having fought them off and others have fought them off. These are the issues you should educate yourself on. 1. Property values Not many people want to live within an industrial installation so the value of your home will be diminished severely. The Berkley study they will bring out is flawed. 2. Electromagnetic and frequency . . .
Wind Energy and Birds: Take Action
What can our readers do to support bird-smart wind energy solutions? First, understand that although climate change is real and must be addressed, we should not be rushing to deploy solutions that damage our continent’s ecologically and economically important birds and bats and their habitats. Beyond their inherent value, these animals perform critical ecological services – such as pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal – that are worth billions of dollars to national economies and enhance the quality of all our lives . . .
Aesthetics, Economics, Energy, Events, Flyers, Impacts, Information, Nebraska •
Source: Stanton County Citizens
Hearing a lot of windy talk about the proposed Wind Turbines in Stanton County?
DO NOT LET YOUR COUNTY BE COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO INDUSTRIAL WIND! Download original document: “Flyer: Commissioners’ Hearing on Proposed Zoning Regulations for Wind Energy”
Information, Law, Property values, U.S. •
Source: Coalition for Rural Property Rights
Things Commonly Found in a Wind Contract
These items will not be in every company’s contract, but they are commonly found in most. There will be a non-exclusive easement covering your entire property, not just the footprint of the turbine and the access road. They can install, construct, remove, relocate, replace, use, maintain, and operate roads, bridges, culverts, staging and laydown areas as they see fit. They can construct a battery storage system. Contracts do not specify how big this is or that there is any additional . . .