December 22, 2017
Information, Wildlife

Wind Energy and Birds: Take Action

Michael Hutchins, American Bird Conservancy

What can our readers do to support bird-smart wind energy solutions?

First, understand that although climate change is real and must be addressed, we should not be rushing to deploy solutions that damage our continent’s ecologically and economically important birds and bats and their habitats. Beyond their inherent value, these animals perform critical ecological services – such as pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal – that are worth billions of dollars to national economies and enhance the quality of all our lives [9].

Second, make efforts to keep informed.

Speak up to wind energy companies and regulators.

Rally the support of others.

And finally, forge alliances and educate others.

Are there ways to address climate change without building thousands of new wind turbines?

Absolutely. There are a variety of ways that we could be addressing climate change without having to build tens of thousands of new wind turbines and hundreds of miles of new power lines and towers.

First and foremost, to slow climate change, it’s essential that we stop rampant deforestation and protect our remaining ecosystems, such as tropical rainforest, coastal mangrove forests and wetlands [2,5,6] and their biodiversity [1].

Second, we should push for improved energy efficiency and conservation [4]. And third, we should probably be eating less meat. This is obviously a personal choice, but it’s a fact that conventionally raised domestic livestock is a major contributor to greenhouse gases [3].

Finally, perhaps the best alternative to large-scale commercial wind and solar energy – both of which can be bad for birds when poorly placed in the environment [8] – is distributed solar energy on our already-built environment. We have the technology to put solar panels on our roads, in our windows, and on existing structures, such as buildings and parking lots. Keeping energy production local will also reduce the need to use power lines and towers to transport the energy produced across the country.

The biggest challenge to this approach will be the power and utility companies themselves. As the technology allows for more energy independence, power and utility companies will fight this change as it limits their ability to profit.
Fully one-third of our native bird species are in need of concerted conservation action in order to ensure their future. Taking action to support bird-smart wind energy solutions can help. Photo by Niek Goossen / Shutterstock

Final thoughts

Our irreplaceable birds and bats should not be “collateral damage” in our fight against climate change. Our birds are already in serious trouble, with fully one-third of our native species currently in need of concerted conservation action in order to ensure their future [7]. We could be doing so much better.


  1. Bello, C., Galetti, M., Pizo, M.A., Fernando, L., Magnago, S., Lima, R.A.F., Peres, C.A., Ovaskainen, O., and Jordano, P. 2015. Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests. Science Advances 1 (11): e1501105. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501105, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501105.
  2. Enochs, K. 2017. Study: Restoring wetlands could help fix climate change [1].
  3. Gill, M., Smith, P., and Wilkinson, J.N. 2010. Mitigating climate change: The role of domestic livestock. Animal 4 (3): 323–333, doi:10.1017/S1751731109004662.
  4. Huntington, H., and Smith, E. 2011. Mitigating climate change through energy efficiency: An introduction and overview. The Energy Journal 32, DOI: 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol33-SI1-1.
  5. IUCN. 2017. Mangroves and marshes key in the climate change battle [2]. Huffington Post.
  6. Martin, T. and Johnson, J. 2016. The best way to protect us from climate change? Save our ecosystems [3]. The
  7. North American Bird Conservation Initiative. 2016. State of the Birds, 2016 [4].
  8. Sahagun, L. 2016. This Mojave Desert solar plant kills 6,000 birds a year. Here’s why that won’t change any time soon [5]. Los Angeles Times.
  9. Sekercioglu, C. H., D. G. Wenny, and C. G. Whelan, editors. 2016. Why birds matter: avian ecological function and ecosystem services. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

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[1] Study: Restoring wetlands could help fix climate change:

[2] Mangroves and marshes key in the climate change battle:

[3] The best way to protect us from climate change? Save our ecosystems:

[4] State of the Birds, 2016:

[5] This Mojave Desert solar plant kills 6,000 birds a year. Here’s why that won’t change any time soon: