Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: Economics
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
Economics, Environment, Flyers, Massachusetts, Publications, Rhode Island, Videos •
Source: Green Oceans
Wind energy facilities planned off coast of Rhode Island and Massachusetts
INDUSTRIALIZATION DETAILS 1,000 or more wind turbines. 800- to 1,000-foot tall turbines, taller than any building in Boston. 12.9 miles from RI and 8.2 from MA. 1,400 square miles of ocean, 1.5 times the size of RI, will be industrialized. Pile driving into the seabed, heavy diesel vessel traffic, sediment plumes, and detonations of ordinances will harm whales, kill plankton, and reduce fishery stocks. CLIMATE CHANGE “No measurable influence on climate change” will result from these projects, according to the . . .
Economics, Emissions, France, Publications •
Source: Fédération Environnement Durable
Nouveau livre concernant l’éolien – pour en finir avec les idées fausses
[The Wind Plague by Patrice Cahart (Nicolas Saudray) – to put an end to misconceptions about wind energy] Malgré toutes les objections et protestations, la progression éolienne se poursuit, au détriment de nos paysages et de nos finances. C’est pourquoi Patrice Cahart a rassemblé, dans un petit livre percutant, toutes les idées utiles sur ce sujet. Ancien inspecteur général des finances, il était bien placé pour dénoncer le gaspillage monumental que constitue l’éolien dans notre pays. Les éoliennes reposent sur . . .
SOUL of Wisconsin newsletter
View at: Contents: Getting Serious about CO₂: Part II (click here for Part I) Citizen Intervenors Put Goals of Regional Utilities on Hot Seat Where Do Midwest States Currently Stand in Terms of CO₂ Reduction? What Measures Can Achieve 1.8% Per Year Reduction in Energy Use? How Does $4.26 per Month for Accelerated Energy Efficiency Compare to Spending $11.62 per Month for New Power Plants and Transmission Expansion? Set Your Own Household Standards. Inform Your Wisconsin Lawmakers About Your . . .
Action alerts, Economics, Emissions, Hearings, Iowa •
Source: SOUL of Wisconsin
Utilities Strive to Stifle Citizen Intervenors
Iowa Cardinal Hickory Creek Hearings PUBLIC ATTENDANCE VITAL December 10, 11 and 12, 9am-5pm Hotel Julien, 200 Main Street Dubuque, Iowa Your presence is needed to support the efforts of public intervenors at the upcoming hearings in Dubuque. If successful, legal obstacles laid down by transmission builders ITC-Midwest and Dairyland Power Cooperative would remove Ms. Chris Klopp and three other public intervenors from impacting the technical proceedings and: Eliminate the only arguments challenging need for the proposed Cardinal Hickory Creek . . .
Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, France, Publications •
Source: Pierre Dumont et Denis de Kergorlay
Éoliennes : chronique d’un naufrage annoncé
[Wind turbines: chronicle of a shipwreck foretold] Le grand plan de développement de l’énergie éolienne en France va-t-il tourner au naufrage ? Tout semble l’annoncer. Des doutes de plus en plus forts et justifiés entourent ce choix énergétique qui répond essentiellement à des considérations politiques. Dans toutes les régions de France se manifeste une opposition croissante de la part des riverains contre les éoliennes qui menacent leur environnement et leur santé, mais aussi des Français en général, révoltés par le saccage . . .
Meyrand 18 Novembre: Rassamblement
Rassemblement pour la préservation du patrimoine paysager & naturel de nos montagnes RDV dimanche 18 novembre à 11h en cas de beau temps: au col de Meyrand (07110 Valgorge) en cas de pluie: au gîte de la Bombine (07140 Montselgues) Nouvelle forme d’artificialisation des espaces, l’actuelle prolifération d’éoliennes industrielles dans nos montagnes met en péril la beauté unique de leurs paysages, la biodiversité (oiseaux, chauves-souris…) qu’on prétend par ailleurs tout faire pour protéger, l’attractivité résidentielle et touristique essentielle à l’économie . . .
Pros and Cons of Industrial Wind – presentation outline
Pros Money – Warren Buffet’s MidAmerican Energy will receive $10 billion in tax credits for building wind turbines (Des Moines Register May 30, 2018} Avoiding less than 1% of worldwide CO₂ (AWEA, Wind Energy Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Statista, Global CO₂ emissions) Jobs. Wars and natural disasters make jobs, too. Cons Expensive – Wind turbines are not viable without Production Tax Credit and tax abatement. “Safe Harbor” is the mechanism that allows companies to claim the full PTC no matter . . .