Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: U.S.
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
Environment, Publications, U.S., Wildlife •
Source: Protect Our Coast Long Island NYProtect Our Coast Long Island NY
Fact sheets from Protect Our Coast
Creation & Operation Birds, Bats, Bees Blades & Toxic Materials Whales Protect Our Coast, Long Island, New York
Ask Questions Before Signing a Contract
GET INFORMED BEFORE SIGNING! ASK QUESTIONS! Does signing an Option Contract lock me in with a developer for turbines, whether I want them or not? Is the original contract term 50 years? How long is the developer’s option to extend? Will my children and grandchildren be tied to the contract after I’m gone? How much of my land will the wind turbine developer have 100% access to for building roads, placing buried and above-ground transmission lines, and installing turbines? Will . . .
Action alerts, Energy, Environment, Massachusetts, Meetings, Safety •
Source: Save Greater Dowses Beach
“Close to the Wind” Summit — January 4, 2024
“Close to the Wind” Summit to Convene at the Hyport Conference Center in Hyannis, Massachusetts, Barnstable, Massachusetts – January 4, 2024 The “Close to the Wind” Summit, a gathering to bring together concerned voices to discuss the technology, wisdom and risks of offshore wind development. Guest speakers will discuss offshore wind power development, interconnection and better approaches to the transition to renewable energy. The conference will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at the Hyport Conference Center, 35 Scudder Ave., . . .
Economics, Environment, Flyers, Massachusetts, Publications, Rhode Island, Videos •
Source: Green Oceans
Wind energy facilities planned off coast of Rhode Island and Massachusetts
INDUSTRIALIZATION DETAILS 1,000 or more wind turbines. 800- to 1,000-foot tall turbines, taller than any building in Boston. 12.9 miles from RI and 8.2 from MA. 1,400 square miles of ocean, 1.5 times the size of RI, will be industrialized. Pile driving into the seabed, heavy diesel vessel traffic, sediment plumes, and detonations of ordinances will harm whales, kill plankton, and reduce fishery stocks. CLIMATE CHANGE “No measurable influence on climate change” will result from these projects, according to the . . .
Advertisements, Campaigns, Environment, Health, Noise, Ohio, Property values, Wildlife •
Source: Crawford Anti-Wind
Crawford Anti-Wind campaign spots
Crawford Anti-Wind
Impacts, Ohio, Publications •
Source: Crawford Anti-Wind/Crawford Neighbors United PAC
Hard Facts – 653.5 ft Industrial Scale Turbine
HARD FACTS – 653.5 FT INDUSTRIAL SCALE TURBINE (as proposed for Crawford County, OH) THE FOUNDATION 71 tons of rebar 29 tons of bolt cage 772 cubic yards of concrete Extremely hard rock, no pilings used 72.5 ft. across 11 ft. deep THE TOWER Transported in 7 sections 426.5 ft. tall THE GENERATOR Weighs 188,600 lbs. 17 ft. in diameter THE BLADES 221 ft. each 49,000 lbs. each Blade tip height is 653.5 ft. tall (199.2 meters) Rotor diameter is . . .
Let’s Stop the Lava Ridge Project!
LS Power wants to build its wind project on public land – our land. It belongs to all of us. Our voices matter! We are a community group standing up for ourselves and Idaho. In order to protect our home, we need to band together and let all stories and opinions be heard. We aim to educate people about the project, share ways people can help stop the project, and advocate our cause to local and state government leaders. Many believe . . .