Wind industry pushing emergency eminent domain law for access to private lands
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Here is a letter I received from a rancher in Oklahoma who has been fighting the wind industry.
Hi, my name is Sue Selman and I live in northwest Oklahoma. My friends and I have been fighting the wind industry for the last year and half. Our area is under siege too. There are several wind farms in the area and many more planned and then there are the horrible transmission lines planned. This is a beautiful part of the great plains that will be ruined too. So we are in agreement.
The main reason I am writing is the transmission lines. The wind industry will not flourish without the lines. The devious wind developers are in Washington as I write, pushing for emergency federal eminent domain. If they get their way, we are all doomed. We are witnessing first hand the ruthlessness of the energy companies who are installing the first leg of lines to service the industry here in Oklahoma. The company OG&E is tromping on landowner rights, offering a pittance of what their land is worth, bullying, and threatening landowners. If the wind industry gets their way with the emergency eminent domain, landowners won’t have a recourse to protect themselves. So we are trying to gather support from across country to fight this. We feel agencies and organizations such as Farm Bureau and cattlemen’s associations, maybe even hunting organizations should be informed of what is happening and support us in our quest to inform our legislators that we do not want this. Any help or suggestions from you would be most appreciated.
Sue Selman
Thank you, Sue, for your informative story. Hopefully this message will reach out across the country and help educate people about the adverse affects of the wind industry.
Ed and Maxine Wehling, 4th-generation landowners near Broken Bow, Nebraska, have chosen not to be part of a proposed wind farm near their land. Here, they are now experiencing tensions amongst neighbors, something they’ve never had before. Some want it and some don’t. But Ed says, “some things money just can’t buy.” The transmission lines would also be a hot issue here.
Personal Assessment: The wind industry is fueled primarily by greed and ignorance. They’re a cunning, arrogant group of profiteering salesmen, here today…gone tomorrow, and leaving chaos behind. –Marty