Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: Letters
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
Imminent danger for birds flying the Eastern Seaboard/Atlantic migratory route
Dear National Wind Watch, I have lived on Monhegan island in Maine for 30 years. Monhegan Island is a small island (1 mi × 3/4 mi) that is located 13 miles off of the coast of Maine, USA, and is a stop-off for many species of birds traveling the Eastern/Atlantic Migratory Flyway route north in the spring and south in the fall along the Eastern coast. In many cases the island is the first piece of land that birds see . . .
Hope is the thing with feathers
‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers— That perches in the soul— And sings the tune without the words— And never stops—at all— And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard— And sore must be the storm— That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm— I’ve heard it in the chillest land— And on the strangest Sea— Yet, never, in Extremity, It asked a crumb—of Me. —Emily Dickinson
Scotland Against Spin newsletter and attachments
To all our fantastic SAS supporters: Happy Xmas! from the team at SAS. Dear Supporters, With Xmas upon us once more, we bring you a round up of all the latest news to hit the headlines over the past six weeks, including our visit to the SNP conference, the Smith Commission outcome, and the new, emerging picture of the world energy markets. Our thanks to Iain Green for his wonderful Xmas cartoons, and also to a few very special individuals . . .
Action alerts, Campaigns, Economics, Emissions, Environment, Health, Letters, U.S., Vermont •

Source: Vermonters for a Clean Environment
Vermonters’ Plea: DO NOT REINSTATE the Wind Energy PTC
Dear Senators Leahy and Sanders and Congressman Welch: We, the undersigned, join many thousands of U.S. taxpayers and ratepayers nationwide in urging you and your colleagues to eliminate the 22-year old wind production tax credit (PTC). You should know by now that development of wind power in the United States does not reduce our need to maintain and build reliable generation, nor does it add materially to employment in our country. The small amount of energy it generates is intermittent, . . .
Ethical questions re: Simon Chapman
TO: Michael Spence BA LLB Sydney DPhil PcDipTheol Oxf Vice Chancellor and Principle, University of Sydney I am once again writing to you in relation to Professor Simon Chapman’s active and well publicised close involvement with the Industrial Wind Industry in Australia, and the increasingly adverse effect this association is having on the University of Sydney’s reputation for quality research and ethical behaviour. It appears possible Professor Chapman is conducting research without prior ethics committee approval from the Human Research . . .
Falmouth wind turbines and sleep deprivation
TO: Jed Goldstone, Chairman, Falmouth Board of Health In way of introduction I have been a Falmouth resident since 1970. I am a psychiatrist, my career working its way through its 44th year. Consultation/liaison psychiatry has been my primary setting. In this role one treats patients with combined physical and psychiatric illnesses in the general medical center population, be it medical, surgical or emergency units, in addition to the most severely psychiatrically ill patients admitted to locked psychiatric units and . . .
RES buy-off letter
Dear Electricity Bill Payer, Are you interested in a reduced electricity bill? The Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS) is a groundbreaking new initiative from renewable energy company RES. The scheme is part of our community benefits programme and offers people living and working closest to our proposed wind farms an annual discount on their electricity bills, which is paid for the life-time of the wind farm. The proximity of your property to our proposed Barr Cregg Wind Farm, which is . . .