Scotland Against Spin newsletter and attachments
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To all our fantastic SAS supporters: Happy Xmas! from the team at SAS.
Dear Supporters,
With Xmas upon us once more, we bring you a round up of all the latest news to hit the headlines over the past six weeks, including our visit to the SNP conference, the Smith Commission outcome, and the new, emerging picture of the world energy markets.
Our thanks to Iain Green for his wonderful Xmas cartoons, and also to a few very special individuals who have selflessly campaigned against turbines and in the process provided much support and assistance to us all; Angela Kelly of Country Guardian, Gillian Bishop and Dave Bruce of Views of Scotland, Andrew Joicey and all at Sustainable Shetland. We wish the latter all the very best at the Supreme Court later this week and hope that Santa brings them, and us all, a much-deserved Xmas present this year!
December 2014, Issue 24.
In this issue:
A weekend with the SNP
Still in the boot
Time for an anti-wind candidate?
One to keep an eye on
Hurrah for the REF
Lima talks damp squib?
Inverclyde windfarm bites the dust!
Advertising standards slip again
Our caring, sharing, listening Government?
UK leads the world – in offshore wind subsidies
Country Guardian tribute
BBC Christmas miracle?
Give that man a medal too
Help needed [Save Loch Urr objection postcard attached]
Letters to the press
More letters to the press
Wind turbines as generators or consumers? [how much power are turbines consuming when trying to ‘catch’ the wind – observations by Geoff Moore at Neilston windfarm attached]
Drop in fossil fuel prices threatens renewables
Water still flowing [but contaminated?]
Research, research, research
SAS bookshelf
Berlin blog
And finally
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