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Wind Power News: Sweden
These news and opinion items are gathered by National Wind Watch in its noncommercial educational effort to help keep readers informed about developments related to industrial wind energy. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Wind Watch. They are the products of and owned by the organizations or individuals noted and are shared here according to “fair use” and “fair dealing” provisions of copyright law.
Icy blast of bankruptcies loom for Swedish wind-power sector, experts warn
Two Swedish economists have issued a warning that the country’s wind-power industry is on the brink of a wave of bankruptcies. Christian Sandström and Christian Steinbeck analysed wind-power companies’ annual reports in Sweden and their work revealed “significant financial problems”, they told Swedish media outlet Kvartal on February 28. “The total loss for the years 2017–2022 amounted to 13.5 billion Swedish krona [€1.2 billion], which meant a loss margin of 39 per cent,” they said about the sector. Such heavy . . . Complete story »
Mäklaren: Ingen vill köpa hus där vindkraft planeras
[Broker: Nobody wants to buy a house where wind power is planned] Intresset för att köpa hus som ligger i de områden där Holmen planerar vindkraftverk i Finspångs och norra Östergötland har minskat. Det menar mäklaren Annika Ingemarsdotter Skoogenäs vid Elite Fastighetsmäklare. Hon har 35 års erfarenhet av husförsäljning. “När det gäller fastigheter i de områden som berörs så har efterfrågan blivit noll”, säger hon. Complete story »
Swedish wind farm PPA terminated
The owners of the 71 MW Aldermyrberget wind farm in Sweden have terminated a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with mining group Boliden due to economic issues. “The deal has been terminated since mid-January,” Boliden spokesman Klas Nilsson told Montel. He said the group had previously rejected a plea from the wind farm to amend the PPA. The companies will enter arbitration to decide how much compensation Boliden is entitled to after the wind farm failed to live up to its . . . Complete story »
Sweden’s largest wind farm faces bankruptcy
Sweden’s largest wind farm, Markbygden Ett outside Piteå in Norrbotten, is facing bankruptcy. The Swedish Tax Agency opposes a reconstruction of the Chinese-owned company that has had financial problems for several years, writes Dagens Industri. Markbygden Ett, with 179 wind turbines, has in the last three years an accumulated loss of 2.5 billion kronor (220 million euros). Its debts now amount to SEK 6 billion (EUR 530 million). The reason for the financial problems is a long-term contract with the . . . Complete story »
Vindkraften går i konkurs: Ägare tömmer bolag och markinnehavare får betala
[Wind power goes bankrupt: Owners liquidate companies and landowners have to pay] En våg av konkurser hotar nu vindkraften i Sverige. Och notan för att montera ned verken och återställa naturen kan landa på markägaren. Detta avslöjar nu TV4 Kalla fakta. Men för Swebbtvs tittare och läsare kommer nyheten kanske inte som en överraskning. Det är Kalla fakta som nu rapporterar att en konkursvåg hotar Sveriges vindkraft. En stor del av bolagen väntas gå i konkurs. Enligt Kalla faktas granskning . . . Complete story »
Konkursvåg hotar svensk vindkraft — Wave of bankruptcies threaten Swedish windpower
[At least 1,000 wind turbines are owned by companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy.] Minst 1 000 vindkraftverk på fallrepet – visar granskning. En stor del landets vindkraftverk ägs av bolag som står på randen till konkurs. Det visar en ny unik kartläggning som Kalla fakta tagit del av. – Generellt sett är det en stor del av branschen som har ekonomiska problem, säger biträdande professor Christian Sandström, Internationella Handelshögskolan i Jönköping. Nyligen ansökte vindkraftsbolaget Markbygden Ett utanför Piteå . . . Complete story »
Chinese-owned chunk of Europe’s biggest wind farm hits financial rocks after record power deal debacle
The 653MW Markbygden Ett wind farm – a sub-project of Europe’s largest wind complex Markbygden – has filed for restructuring proceedings with the Umeå district court in northern Sweden after getting into financial difficulties, apparently due to an unprofitable power purchase agreement (PPA) with Norwegian aluminium giant Hydro. The wind farm operator closed a corporate PPA with Hydro in 2017, which then was claimed to be the world’s largest green power offtake agreement. Under the terms of the PPA, Markbygden . . . Complete story »
Stor vindkraftspark i kris – ansöker om rekonstruktion
[The largest onshore windpower facility in Europe, the Chinese-owned Markbygden Ett in Sweden, has applied for reconstruction after signing 19-year contract with Norwegian Hydro Energi for set volumes of electricity at a fixed price, such that they pay market price to make up shortfalls. The forecast for 2023 is that expenses will far exceed income. Hydro Energi has opposed the decision on corporate restructuring.] The reason is that the Chinese-owned company has concluded a very unprofitable agreement to sell electricity . . . Complete story »
Swedish court rejects Tribbhult project
Sweden’s Land and Environment Supreme Court has rejected Statkraft’s planned wind farm in Tribbhult, Västervik municipality. The judgment follows the municipality withdrawing its previous approval for the up to 16-turbine wind farm. The court therefore judged permission could not be granted. “The verdict is regrettable and sends a negative signal to the industry that the permit processes surrounding the design of new wind power are highly uncertain,” said Statkraft Sweden chief executive Jakob Norström. “This at a time when the . . . Complete story »
Sweden nixes Vattenfall’s offshore wind project
The government of Sweden has rejected Vattenfall’s application to build an offshore wind farm at Stora Middelgrund off Sweden’s west coast, citing ”negative effects on the environment” and ”national interests” as the reasons for the decision. The Swedish government will not grant Vattenfall permission to build and operate the wind farm located offshore Halmstad, saying that ”the applicant has not shown that the chosen location meets the requirement for suitable location according to ch. 2. Section 6 of the Environmental . . . Complete story »