Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Alerts and Events: Property values
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
N.I.M.B.Y. Next It Might Be You!!!!!
Australia, Health, Law, Newsletters, Noise, Property values •
Source: Stockyardhill Community Guardians
Stockyardhill Industrial Wind Development Update
Origin Energy has increased the turbine size by 75% without any community consultation and no new background noise monitoring or modeling being undertaken. The original permit approval for the turbine size was 2MW, now Origin is installing 3-3.5MW turbines – currently the biggest in the world. Neither the State or Federal Government, nor the Pyrenees Shire have insisted on a new Noise Impact Assessment to take into account the increase in size which will lead to more infrasound, noise and . . .
Announcements, Property values, Web sites •
Source: Wind Turbine Property Losses
Wind Turbine Property Losses
Welcome to On this site you will be able to easily access worldwide information about property loss, income stream losses, homes abandoned, and related economic losses due to proximity to industrial wind turbines. It is clear that the phenomenon of property loss is widespread, real, and verified by many experts. The tragedy is compounded by lives shattered by the loss of their principal home/residence/farm/land, often a complete loss, as a sale is not even possible. This site is obviously . . .
Action alerts, Aesthetics, Campaigns, Economics, Fundraisers, Impacts, New York, Noise, Property values •
Source: Protect Richfield
We Have 20 Days to Stop Industrial Wind Turbines in Our Area!
We Have 20 Days to Stop Industrial Wind Turbines in Our Area!!!! 492 ft. Industrial Wind Turbines Do Not Have To Be Our Future Our area will be forever changed if we allow this project to go forward We don’t have to have it – and we don’t need it Turbines today – Fracking tomorrow We believe town laws have been disregarded – and we won’t stand for it! Remember 6 turbines will be only the beginning – Don’t let . . .
Health, Illinois, Law, Noise, Presentations, Property values •
Source: Whitley County Concerned Citizens
Realities and Legalities – Other Perspectives on Industrial Wind Energy
Dave & Stephanie Hulthen and their four children live in the home pictured below. It was their dream farmhouse in rural Dekalb County, Illinois, until the wind turbines moved in next door. Today the Hulthen family lives surrounded by thirteen 40-story turbines within one mile of their house, the two closest a mere 1400 feet away. When the realities of living with their new neighbors became clear, they launched their blog, Our Life with Dekalb Turbines, to record and share . . .
Action alerts, Australia, Comments, Economics, Health, Impacts, Law, Noise, Property values •
Source: Australia Senate
The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms
On 27 October 2010 the Senate referred the following matter to the Senate Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report. The Leader of the Family First Party (Senator Fielding), pursuant to notice of motion not objected to as a formal motion, moved business of the Senate notice of motion no. 1 – That the following matter be referred to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 30 April 2011: The social and economic impacts of rural wind farms, . . .
Advertisements, Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, Information, Maine, Noise, Property values, Videos, Wildlife •
Source: Real Wind Info For Maine
Real Wind Info For Maine
A series of 30-second videos . . .