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Resource Documents by Rand, Robert

Rand, Robert
Pile Driving Noise Survey 
Recent whale and dolphin fatalities on the Eastern seaboard, coupled with concerns about the acoustic impact of offshore wind farm construction, prompted an independent investigation to measure and assess underwater noise emissions from pile driving activities. Specifically, this assessment focused on the operations of the pile driving vessel Orion within the Vineyard Wind project area, with recordings taken in the waters southeast of Nantucket Island. Key Findings: Pile driving noise, even with advanced noise-mitigation techniques, rivals the loudness and frequency . . . Complete article »

Rand, Robert
Sonar Vessel Noise Survey 
Reports of recent whale and dolphin deaths on and near the New York and New Jersey shores, and public concerns of marine noise impacts from offshore wind development activities, prompted an investigation into the sonar noise levels produced by exploratory survey vessels working in ocean areas leased by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). This technical report presents the methodology, analysis and results of a brief independent investigation of underwater noise levels from a sonar survey vessel, conducted offshore . . . Complete article »

Rand, Robert
Re: Falmouth Wind II Turbine Relocation Study 
This letter (PDF attached) is respectfully submitted to the Town of Falmouth to provide a qualified professional opinion about the proposed relocation of Wind II. This is submitted independently as a courtesy to the Town free of compensation from any party. The original permittings for Wind I and Wind II (and NOTUS) resulted in neighbor complaints soon after start-up and were confirmed to exceed Falmouth’s 40-dBA noise limit (turbines sited too close). Weston & Sampson’s relocation recommendation for Wind II . . . Complete article »

Rand, Robert
Independent Infrasonic Investigations: Golden West Wind Facility, El Paso County, CO 
Summary: Differential acoustic pressure measurements were acquired and logged at three homes in the vicinity of the Golden West Wind Facility in El Paso County, Colorado during December 2015 and January 2016. A week of data was analyzed for each of the three homes and daily spectrograms produced which are attached. Each day’s data consisted of approximately 4.3 million differential pressure samples with a week comprised of some 30.5 million samples. Preliminary investigation confirmed the presence of recurring acoustic pressure . . . Complete article »

Rand, Robert
Professional Caution to Brown County Health Department 
I respectfully provide this letter in support of the many adversely impacted neighbors of Shirley Wind, and investigators and researchers including Richard James, Steven Cooper, Paul Schomer and colleagues who participated in the 2012 cooperative noise study at Shirley. I understand that following receipt of numerous carefully submitted documents and letters of evidence, on December 15, 2015, Health Officer Chua Xiong stated: “Presently, there is insufficient scientific evidence-based research to support the relationship between wind turbines and health concerns.” Disbelieving . . . Complete article »

James, Richard; Swinbanks, Malcolm; and Rand, Robert
E-mail messages from acoustic consultants and researchers to Steven Cooper and colleagues 
These e-mails were exchanged among acoustic consultants and researchers in the USA, New Zealand, and Australia regarding claims by wind developer Pacific Hydro and others that acousticians/noise engineers are not qualified to determine cause and effect of human perceptions and therefore physiological and psychological responses to sound energy. The comments by Pacific Hydro trying to limit the expertise of acousticians and noise engineers followed the public release of a review of, and strong endorsement of, Steven Cooper’s acoustic survey at . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; James, Richard; and Nissenbaum, Michael
Public complaints about wind turbine noise and adverse health impacts justified 
[Abstract] Significant proportions of IWT facility neighbors complain about turbine noise and sleep disturbances, among other adverse health complaints. We undertook an independent evaluation of several wind turbine projects located in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Illinois, Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to assess if common etiological factors exist. Adverse effects appear to relate to a basket of common factors that were overlooked or not included in preconstruction planning including noise predictions and assessments of likely community reactions. Correcting oversights . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Wind Turbine Harm: Bruce McPherson Study 2014 Epilogue 
Notus Wind Turbine: HARM REAL – NOT HIDDEN Initiated when operation began. Easily Observed Symptoms: Physical or mental damage or injury. Impairs, hurts, devalues, weakens, etc. Diminished enjoyment for living. Home abandonment and financial loss. Rejection by community members. Question: Is There Public Harm? Answer: Yes … Public Harm Is Real! Where Is Harm Hiding? Wind Shear Wind Speed Ambient Background Power Output 2014 – Harm is … ? Wind Speed – Misleads Ambient Background – Hides Wind Shear – Exacerbates . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Hoosac Wind Turbine Noise Studies 
Back to the Future II … This is a true story, depicted by Marty and Doc. Their mission: Identify the ignored warnings in the Hoosac wind turbine studies. That opened rifts into an alternate universe, where noisy wind turbines were permitted to invade homes. The wayback clock is set to: OCT 06 2003 … First study: October 6, 2003 Special permit application for Enxco Incorporated, Hoosac Wind Project, Florida/Monroe, Mass. Compiled by: Hill Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc., Dalton, Mass. Florida and Monroe . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Falmouth Wind Turbine Noise Studies 
Presented at the 2nd Falmouth Conference on Human Rights, Oct. 19, 2013. Back to the Future … This is a true story, depicted by Marty and Doc. Their mission: identify the ignored warnings in the Falmouth wind turbine studies. Only then can Marty and Doc correct significant warnings in history that opened rifts into an alternate universe, where noisy wind turbines were permitted to invade homes. The wayback clock is set to: NOV 21 2003 … First study: November 21, 2003 Renewable . . . Complete article »

Walker, Bruce; Hessler, George; Hessler, David; Rand, Robert; and Schomer, Paul
Cooperative Measurement Survey and Analysis of Low-Frequency and Infrasound at the Shirley Wind Farm 
From comments by acoustician Rick James: Three families in the footprint of the Shirley Wind project (owned by Duke Energy) have reported adverse health effects since the wind turbine utility commenced operation. Two have been forced out of their homes. They report experiencing symptoms of the type associated with wind turbine syndrome. These families offered to act as interveners in another Wisconsin case, Highland Wind, which is in the application hearing phase. Fifty affidavits were filed by them and other . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; and Krogh, Carmen
Falmouth, Massachusetts, wind turbine infrasound and low frequency noise measurements 
[Abstract] Falmouth, Massachusetts has experienced non-predicted adverse acoustic and health impacts from an industrial wind turbine (IWT) sited close to neighbors. The public response from this quiet rural area has been very vocal for a majority of homeowners living within 3000 feet. Complaints have ranged from the unexpectedly loud with constant fluctuations and the nonaudible pressure fluctuations causing a real loss of public health and well-being. Early research indicates that both the IHC and OHC functions of the ear receive . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; and Krogh, Carmen
Wind Turbine Acoustic Investigation: Infrasound and Low-Frequency Noise — A Case Study 
Abstract. Wind turbines produce sound that is capable of disturbing local residents and is reported to cause annoyance, sleep disturbance, and other health-related impacts. An acoustical study was conducted to investigate the presence of infrasonic and low-frequency noise emissions from wind turbines located in Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA. During the study, the investigating acousticians experienced adverse health effects consistent with those reported by some Falmouth residents. The authors conclude that wind turbine acoustic energy was found to be greater than or . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Connecticut Siting Council Draft Wind Regulations 
At the request of FairWindCT, Inc., we submit our professional opinions for the review of the proposed Connecticut Siting Council Draft Wind Regulations dated 12 April 2012. … Industrial wind turbine noise has proven to be a source of public complaints for non-urban neighbors living up to a mile away. This is especially true in locations where wind speeds can be calm to light at ground level and strong at the turbine blade heights, and/or wind directions differ from low to . . . Complete article »

Rand, Robert
Letter to Riga Township Planning Commission 
On request of interested parties in Riga Township, I am writing to provide important information about siting wind turbines to protect public health with an adequate margin of safety. I am a Member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering with over thirty years of experience in acoustics including many years working in industrial power generation noise control. I have conducted independent studies of wind turbine noise including actual field measurements of operating wind turbines in the State of Maine . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Bruce McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study 
Adverse Health Effects Produced By Large Industrial Wind Turbines Confirmed Executive Summary This study was commissioned through a private philanthropic grant created to determine why there were so many strong complaints about the loss of well-being and hardships experienced by people living near large industrial wind turbines operating in Falmouth, Massachusetts. The purpose of this study was to investigate and confirm or deny the presence of infrasonic and low frequency noise emissions (ILFN) from the “WIND 1”, a municipally-owned Vestas . . . Complete article »

Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert
Wind turbine noise: an independent assessment of sound quality 
Stephen Ambrose and Robert Rand are members of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering. In 2009, they became concerned about the negative comments from residents living near wind turbine sites and, the apparent lack of regulatory action to address the potential for adverse health impacts from wind turbine generator noise in Mars Hill. They launched their own evaluation, and came to the following conclusions in a series of guest columns in the Knox County (Maine) Herald Gazette [click here for . . . Complete article »

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