Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Wind Power News: Press releases
These news and opinion items are gathered by National Wind Watch in its noncommercial educational effort to help keep readers informed about developments related to industrial wind energy. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Wind Watch. They are the products of and owned by the organizations or individuals noted and are shared here according to “fair use” and “fair dealing” provisions of copyright law.
Hidden wind turbine decommissioning costs a risk for farmers
Farmers enticed by the financial benefits of hosting wind turbines on their property may be lumped with the cost of decommissioning the infrastructure at the end of its lifespan, Member for Mallee Anne Webster warned today, echoing the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner’s previous alert that wind turbine earnings could be outweighed by the removal costs. While total fees earned for hosting a wind turbine for 25 years could yield farmers $250,000-$750,000, figures from the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner indicate decommissioning . . . Complete story »
Clearing the air: Honest truths about clean energy
In the race for transition to green energy, Kristen Walker from the American Consumer Institute (ACI) is urging a more critical examination of the environmental impacts of wind, solar, and electric vehicles (EV) on the environment. ACI’s new report, “Clearing the Air: Honest Truths About Clean Energy,” reveals that the life cycle of these technologies—from production to disposal—carries significant environmental costs that are often overlooked in public discourse. Read the full study here. Key Takeaways: Environmental Costs of Production: The . . . Complete story »
WA EFSEC Order – Whistling Ridge Energy Project is officially dead
Since the creation of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area in 1986, few projects have threatened Gorge resources like the controversial Whistling Ridge Energy Project. Status update: 2024 – The state-issued permit for the project expired on March 5, 2022. In 2024, the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) reviewed two separate requests, one that would have revived and extended the expired permit and another that would have transferred the permit and the project to a new parent . . . Complete story »
No evidence wind farms cause deformities in foals?
An AFP Fact Check by Gwen Roley of AFP Canada [link], “No evidence wind farms cause deformities in foals” (10 April 2024), cites, “The consensus among faculty and staff members spoken to at the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) is that there is no scientific basis to wind turbines causing deformities in horses.” But the Portuguese study directly addressed that: “To investigate a possible genetic cause, two foals from distinct bloodlines were brought to the stud. These . . . Complete story »
Windpark Hainhaus: Windkraftanlage verliert Bauteile -sofortige Stilllegung erfolgt-
[Pieces of wind turbine fall off while blades continue to turn] Am späten Sonntagvormittag (05.05.), 11.20 Uhr, meldeten Spaziergänger verdächtige Geräusche und Beobachtungen an einer sich noch drehenden Windkraftanlage im Bereich Windpark Hainhaus/ Bad-König-Kimbach. Weiterhin lagen auch schon größere Bauteile unterhalb der Anlage auf dem Boden und angrenzenden Waldbereich. Durch sofort entsandte Einsatzkräfte von Polizei und Feuerwehr wurden die angrenzenden Waldwege und auch die Landesstraße 3349 gesperrt. Da sich die Windkraftanlage zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch in Betrieb befand und ganz . . . Complete story »
«Un referendum per dire NO alle pale eoliche in Calabria: Occhiuto tuteli i Calabresi»
Un referendum per dire NO a nuovi impianti eolici in Calabria. Per dire basta al proliferare della pale che stanno devastando il territorio calabrese senza portare nulla all’economia calabrese. E gli impianti realizzati dovranno essere smontati e smaltiti in tempi brevi (massimo 20 anni). Questa la nostra proposta contro una situazione che, in tutta Italia, sta creando un movimento di pensiero contrario a questo scempio ambientale in atto. A tal proposito chiediamo al Governatore Occhiuto di tutelare il territorio calabrese . . . Complete story »
Annulation historique des autorisations éoliennes
[The Council of State rendered a historic decision on March 8 making authorizations for onshore wind turbines and the rules for renewing wind facilities illegal. This decision is the result of a request submitted by the Fédération Environnement Durable and fifteen associations. The Council of State canceled all of the provisions concerning the three successive versions of the noise pollution measurement protocol intended to protect the health of neighbors. This decision not only concerns authorizations and current projects, but could . . . Complete story »
Ocean City is not for sale
Recently, US Wind, the company planning to build 940 tall wind turbines as close as 10.9 miles off the coast of Ocean City, has engaged in discussions with our neighboring Delaware Resort Communities offering them Community Benefit Packages. The packages offer payments up to 2 million dollars to be dispersed to these communities over a 20-year period. These Community Benefit Packages are in exchange for the commitment that these local government officials would refrain from making any negative comments or . . . Complete story »
Understanding arc flash risk in wind turbine renewables
With the increasing use of wind turbines as a renewable energy source, it is important to address the potential risks associated with arc flash incidents. Electrical Safety UK, Deputy MD Paul Hopton highlights the additional considerations in a wind turbine environment and emphasises the consequences of arc flash accidents. Let’s look at some of the accidents and incidents that have been reported: In Palm Springs, California in 2000 an operator suffered severe burns from electrical fault in a fuse holder. . . . Complete story »
Preservation Society of Newport County’s answers to frequently asked questions regarding appeals of BOEM’s permitting of offshore wind industrialization
The Preservation Society of Newport County has received numerous media inquiries since it announced on November 22, 2023, that it was appealing federal agency approval of two wind farms off the Rhode Island coast in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The appeals detail the failure of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to comply with the heightened levels of review required under the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act. Developers have . . . Complete story »