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Wind Power News: health/
Wind turbine night noise
With wind generation one of the fastest-growing renewable energy sectors in the world, Flinders University experts are using machine learning and other signal processing techniques to characterize annoying noise features from wind farms. Two new publications from the ongoing Wind Farm Noise Study take another step towards improving wind turbine noise assessment methods, guidelines and wind turbine design to make wind energy more acceptable to surrounding communities. The new studies find that night-time ‘swoosh’ sound—technical referred to as ‘amplitude modulation’ . . . Complete story »
Green technologies cause massive waste and pollution
Electric vehicle batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines result in a massive amount of waste and pollution. China is responsible for half of the total electric vehicles in the world—a number that is growing rapidly. About half of its retired batteries are not disposed in an environmentally sound way, causing significant waste and pollution problems detailed below. Batteries can be recycled but the cost is high, as it is with solar panels, which can contain hazardous materials. Most solar panels . . . Complete story »
French court orders ‘historic’ demolition of seven wind turbines
Marjolaine Villey-Migraine, of VPPN Collectif 34-12, a group of 65 associations, said the Montpellier tribunal ruling was historic: “It is a first in France and will become a precedent for future cases.” The court ordered that the 93m turbines at Bernagues in the Grands Causses in Hérault must be demolished, even if the owners launch an appeal. They started producing power in 2016 but the next year the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative court, rejected the planning permission. VPPN lawyer . . . Complete story »
Wind turbine moratorium debate continues in Madison County
WINTERSET, Iowa – The debate about wind turbines and whether or not they have negative health effects on people continues in Madison County. On Tuesday, the Madison County Board of Supervisors heard public comment as they look into a moratorium on certain renewable energy construction. The moratorium the Madison County Board of Supervisors is considering would stop construction of all wind turbines and commercial solar energy systems in Madison County until January 1 2022, excluding projects approved before January 1 of this . . . Complete story »
Madison County supervisors discuss possible health impacts of wind turbines
WINTERSET, Iowa – After the Madison County Board of Public Health made a statement saying they believe there are negative health effects caused by wind turbines, the county board of supervisors discussed the issue and heard from the public. Residents at Tuesday’s board of supervisors meeting agreed and urged the supervisors to act. “We understand there is a risk to our health. This was not news to us, as we have been subjected to the turbines from Adair County across the . . . Complete story »
“On retrouve des animaux morts sans explication”: des agriculteurs dénoncent les effets nocifs des éoliennes
Des problèmes de santé inexpliqués inquiètent les agriculteurs situés à proximité du parc éolien de Nozay en Loire-Atlantique. Bêtes stressées ou décédées sans explication, conséquences sur la santé humaine… Les services de l’Etat ont débloqué 30.000 euros pour expliquer ce mystère. [video with English subtitles by Frédérique Johnsen and, via] Les éoliennes ont-elles une effet néfaste sur les animaux et les humains y vivant à proximité ? L’inquiétude monte chez les éleveurs à Nozay, dans le nord de la . . . Complete story »
The rotors of sickness… Wind energy proponents refuse to acknowledge proven wind turbine health hazards
A report on infrasound (low frequency sound below 20 Hz) by German public television ZDF here further reveals how infrasound from wind turbines causes widespread health issues, despite claims by “experts” that these illnesses are “in peoples’ heads” and not really real. The dubious argument that “if you can’t hear it, then it can’t hurt you” is often used. It turns out that in the case of infrasound from wind turbines, this is not true at all. Hat-tip: Agnes Doolan . . . Complete story »
Neurologist says mixed results found when studying health effects from wind turbines
SOUTHWEST IOWA – When debating the pros and cons of the use of wind turbines, one concern is whether wind turbines cause health effects on people living near them. During a recent meeting with the Adair County Supervisors one member of the public said the turbines were causing health issues for her. “I’m one of the many people who suffer from motion sickness,” said Mary Long, who co-owns a business in Greenfield. “The flashing lights and strobe lights give me . . . Complete story »
Noise: The other pollution hurting our health
One in five Europeans is regularly exposed to noise levels that could “significantly” damage their health, the World Health Organization says, and it updated guidelines on those levels in Europe on Tuesday. Environmental noise is among the “top environmental risks to health,” according to the WHO report. More than 100 million Europeans are affected by road traffic noise alone each year. “Noise continues to be a concern,” noted Dr. Dorota Jarosiska, program manager for living and working environments at the . . . Complete story »
Annoyance with wind turbines may affect quality of life
People who can see wind turbines from their homes may be more annoyed by these machines and more likely to report quality of life issues than individuals who live further away from wind turbines, an industry-supported study suggests. Wind turbines have become more common in recent years as a source of clean renewable energy that doesn’t cause air pollution or contribute to global warming. But as more wind farms dot the landscape, some residents in surrounding communities have complained that . . . Complete story »