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Wind Wise Radio 

Author:  | Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Noise, Wildlife

All episodes (February 12, 2012, to April 30, 2013) are also available at Blog Talk Radio and Apple Podcasts.

Infrasound and Adverse Health Effects
Ambrose and Rand
Sunday, February 12, 2012, 7:00-8:00PM

Join us for the first edition of Wind Wise Radio when we will be delighted to welcome Stephen Ambrose and Robert Rand, professional acousticians, members of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering, and the authors of “The McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study” which investigated the possible relationship between infrasound and adverse health effects experienced by people living near and industrial wind turbine (IWT) in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

We will be discussing Stephen and Robert’s findings, their personal experience in the vicinity of IWT, their work on other projects, and their thoughts on the the recently released “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study”. We will also be asking them about their ideas for further studies to advance our knowledge.

Stephen and Robert will be happy to take questions and listen to your comments so please join us for this important event.

Read the McPherson Report.
Read the Mass. DEP Wind Turbine Health Impact Study.


The Word from Waubra
A conversation with Dr. Sarah Laurie
Sunday, February 19, 2012, 7:00PM

Dr. Laurie is the medical director of the Waubra Foundation in Australia and is facilitating some of the seminal research surrounding the set of symptoms known here in the U.S. as Wind Turbine Syndrome. ”Down Under” it is often termed Waubra Disease.

In mid 2010, Dr. Laurie was in the process of returning to work clinically as a rural General Practitioner when she became aware that a wind energy project was proposed for the hills near her home in regional South Australia. Being concerned with climate change and the environment, and the need for renewable energy she was initially supportive of the local project and unaware of any health concerns. It wasn’t until a neighbour alerted her to Dr Amanda Harry’s study of health issues with wind factories, that Dr. Laurie realised there were some potentially serious health problems associated with wind turbines. She decided to look into the matter fully, and became aware that despite the health problems being described around the world, there was a lack of research, and hence an urgent need for more research into this problem.


An Alternative Vision for Vermont
Luke Snelling, Geoff Goll, and Steve Wright
Sunday, February 26, 2012, 7:00PM

Please join us as we talk with leaders in the struggle for smart alternative energy solutions in Vermont.

  • Lukas B. Snelling, Executive Director, Energize Vermont
  • Geoff Goll, Hydrologist, Princeton Hydro
  • Steve Wright, Former Commissioner of Fish & Wildlife Department

We will discuss the current situation in Lowell Mountain, Sheffield, Searsburg, the current regulatory environment, and other projects and issues involving industrial scale wind turbines in Vermont.

Energize Vermont advocates for renewable energy solutions that are in harmony with the irreplaceable character of Vermont and contribute to the people’s well-being.


National Wind Watch’s Eric Rosenbloom and David Roberson on WWR
Sunday, March 4, 2012, 7:00PM

Wind Wise Radio is honored to be joined by the president and vice-president of National Wind Watch, Eric Rosenbloom and David Roberson, for an hour of conversation about their experiences at the center of the struggle against Industrial Wind in the U.S.

Since 2005, National Wind Watch (NWW) has been a indispensable resource providing a central clearinghouse for information and assistance to individuals and local groups seeking the facts about industrial wind power.

Eric Rosenbloom is a science writer and editor. In 2001 Eric and family moved from New York to northeastern Vermont, where he founded his own company, Kirby Mountain Composition & Graphics. Eric has been involved since 2003 when he learned that there were plans to erect wind turbines on the ridge behind his house. At first, he was a cautious supporter of the development but as he learned more his opinion shifted. In 2005, he started up the excellent site aweo.org, which he continues to maintain and where you can find much of his writing on the subject of IWT. He also blogs at kirbymtn.blogspot.com.

David Roberson is a gallery owner in Shelburne Falls (jewelry, fine handcrafts, décor, books, gifts) and a small-scale farmer. David lived off the grid for 12 years in Hawley, Massachusetts, before moving to Rowe, where he lives with his “wife, dogs, cats, goats, geese, and chickens.”

In December of 2003, his seminal article, Questioning the Faith of Wind Power, was published in Shelburne Falls Independent. The article broke new ground on a host of issues, argued cogently against the rush to wind without rigorous, thorough analysis, and should be required reading for all those interested in these issues. In 2005, David organized the first gathering of interstate wind opponents, a weekend-long conference with participants from 10 states. He was the founding president of National Wind Watch and has served as its Vice-President since 2006.


The Struggle in Canada
Dr. Robert McMurtry
Sunday, March 11, 2012, 7:00PM

Dr. Robert McMurtry is currently an advisor for the Society Wind Vigilance, an international federation of physicians, engineers and other professionals promoting the development of authoritative international wind turbine guidelines to protect the health and safety of communities. The mission of The Society for Wind Vigilance is to mitigate the risk of both physiological and psychological adverse heath effects through the advancement of independent third party research and its application to the siting of industrial wind turbines.

He was a member of the Health Council of Canada for 3½ years and a member and special advisor to the Royal Commission under Roy Romanow on the future of health care in Canada. Dr. McMurtry was a visiting Cameron Chair to Health Canada for providing policy advice to the Minister and Deputy Minister of Health. He was the Founding and Associate Deputy Minister of Population & Public Health, Canada.

Dr. McMurtry sat on the National Steering Committee on Climate Change and Health Assessment. Presently Dr. McMurtry is Professor (Emeritus) of Surgery, University of Western Ontario.


Vermont’s Precious Ridges
Susan Morse and Annette Smith
Sunday, March 18, 2012, 7:00PM

Please join us as we talk with Susan Morse, a world-renowned naturalist and wildlife tracker, and Annette Smith, the executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment (VCE), about the threats posed to some of Vermont’s most ecologically sensitive areas by industrial wind power.

Susan Morse has more than thirty-five years of experience monitoring wildlife and interpreting wildlife habitat use. Her research has focused on cougar, bobcat, black bear, and Canada lynx. She is the founder and director of Keeping Track an organization devoted inspiring community participation in the stewardship of wildlife habitat.

Ms. Morse has authored numerous articles and authors a regular column on wildlife in Northern Woodlands Magazine. Her work has also been featured in many other publications, including Smithsonian, Audubon, Amicus Journal, Forest Magazine, Wild Earth, Vermont Life, Adirondack Life, The Nature Conservancy, and Ranger Rick, as well as on National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition”.

Annette Smith is a native of Lewisburg and leads Vermonters for a Clean Environment in its mission to raise the voices of Vermonters and hold corporations accountable for their impacts on our people, our land, our air and our water.

VCE’s members are united in the belief that Vermont’s future lies in conserving its clean, rural, small-town environment. They have joined together to pursue the common goals of encouraging economic development with minimal environmental impacts and preserving Vermont’s natural beauty. VCE is committed to providing facts and information so that people can make informed decisions.


Industrial Wind in the Wilds of Maine
Monique Aniel, David Corrigan, and Steve Thurston
Sunday, March 25, 2012, 7:00PM

Join us as we talk with those struggling against the ongoing destruction of Maine’s precious natural areas by industrial wind developers.

We will be joined by Dr. Monique Aniel and Steve Thurston from the Citizens’ Task Force on Wind Power – a coalition of citizens from around Maine drawn together in the common purpose of advocating for responsible, science-based, economically and environmentally sound approaches to Maine’s energy policy.

Also we are happy David Corrigan, a Registered Maine Master Guide who blogs at Real Wind Info for Me, will be joining in our discussion.


Talking Action
Lisa Linowes and Julie Johnson
Sunday, April 1, 2012, 7:00PM


Direct Impact: Talking with Victims of IWT
Neil Anderson, Barbara Ashbee, and Richard Braithwaite
Sunday, April 8, 2012, 7:00PM

Neil Anderson hails from Falmouth, Massachusetts, and has been a leader in the effort to tell the story of the many families in Falmouth who have been severely affected by the turbine know as Wind One. Wind One is located at the town’s wastewater treatment plant a little more than 1300 feet from Neil’s home. As many as 50 families have been affected and they have managed, for now, to get the turbine turned off. Neil was an advocate of the turbine before it turned on and started to affect his health.

Barbara Ashbee was forced out of her Amaranth, Ontario, home by the siting of industrial turbines too close. Barbara could easily count 15 turbines from her yard. Her experiences with the local and provincial government is scary and disturbing:

“The Ontario government did not help, in fact they misled us on the number of complaints they had received and were claiming all was running in compliance when it wasn’t.

“The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) released a literature review in May 2010 concluding there are no direct health issues linked to turbines. The developers and government actually use this review to approve new wind projects and they hand out copies at wind meetings but the CMOH, Dr. Arlene King, was well aware of the serious problems in many wind projects in Ontario before she signed off on the literature review. She was made well aware that families were being made sick with some being forced from their homes and chose not to speak with even one of them. She was warned.

“There is a wall of silence but as the evidence mounts they will have to answer to it at some point. These people are in a position of public trust and their lack of action or even acknowledgment of what they are doing to people is very serious.”

[Click here for a CBC radio report about Barbara Ashbee’s whistleblowing about the province’s knowledge of noise problems. (download the 7-MB MP3 file.)]

Richard Braithwaite lives in Keyser, West Virginia and was one of 75 neighbors who signed a petition seeking a solution to the noise coming from the Pinnacle Wind project. He purchased an inexpensive sound meter and routinely registers 60–70 dB outside his home. As he says, “Let them bring their thousand dollar machine and take their own readings.” The wind developer has paid lip service to the complaints and is installing, of all things, a muffler!

Gerry Meyer lives in the 86-turbine Forward Energy project in Brownsville, Wisconsin that was erected by Invenergy of Chicago. There are five 400′ turbines within 3/4 of a mile and eleven within a mile of his house.

Gerry attended the first few public meetings about the Forward Energy project. (that was long after many local farmers were signed up to host turbines). The Invenergy representatives and the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin told the public the turbines were quiet and would be a great benefit to his community. Gerry left those meeting feeling good about wind energy.

Gerry knew know about the Horicon Marsh Advocates, a group fighting for a 5-mile set back from the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, however he did nothing to help them in their cause. As a rural mail carrier he drove within the project often stopping to take photos and on his way home from work stopped to talk to workers and take more photos. As a former construction worker the turbine construction was intriguing.

On March 3rd, 2008, he walked out of his house and heard a jet flying over. He looked to the sky for that jet. There was no jet. It was the large industrial wind turbine 1560 feet straight north of his house. This was the first day of operation of this turbine. He immediately knew he was lied to by Invenergy about the quiet sound of the turbine. This did not sound like the wind blowing through the trees. It sounded like sitting on the runway at O’Hare Airport. He began writing a daily noise diary which can be read at lifeinawisconsinwindproject.tumblr.com.

“In the house there are thumping sounds everywhere, especially upstairs in the sewing room. Very tense and sickening.”

Just a few of the heath affects caused to Gerry’s quality of life are sleep deprivation, high cortisol levels, chest pain, pulsating the neck, nausea, exhaustion, no longer has dreams, cognitive thinking issues, and the concern of what other heath affects are down the road due to constant sleep deprivation.


Strife in Ontario: The IWT Resistance
Sunday, April 15, 2012, 7:00PM

Rural Ontario is being plundered by the McGuinty government and his wind developer allies. The citizens are actively resisting the onslaught. We will talk to some of the leaders of the resistance.

Mark Davis, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Arran Elderslie, farm country consisting of 1 town, 2 villages, several hamlets and about 7000 people, located in central Bruce County, which is about 10 miles off the shore of Lake Huron about 3 hours northwest of Toronto. Cash crop and beef farmer, real estate sales rep for Coldwell Banker and auctioneer doing charity auctions for worthwhile causes, Mark has been a strong opponent of industrial wind turbines for quite some time and is chair of the Inter Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group consisting of 12 to 15 municipalities from about 6 counties of like-minded elected and appointed citizens doing their very best to work with the Ontario Green Energy Act and come up with bylaws and ideas to get some control back to local government and the people directly involved.

Greg Schmalz, the founder of S.T.O.P. Saugeen Shores Turbine Operation Policy resisted group opposing placement of CAW (UAW in Canada) whose 35-story turbine on the grounds of their $70M resort is surrounded by 100 families living within 550 m and more than 4,000 people within 2,000 m. This turbine has become the lightning rod representing all that is wrong with placing turbines too close to people’s homes and businesses.

Lisa Thompson, the MPP for Bruce-Huron, recently introduced a private member’s bill at Queen’s Park to establish a moratorium on futher IWT development in Ontario.

Jane Wilson, a registered nurse and health care writer and editor, is the current president of Wind Concerns Ontario, a coalition of individuals and community groups in Canada’s most populous province, Ontario. She is also the editor of a book on how the Ontario government has pushed the industrial wind power generation agenda at the expense of Ontario’s people and communities, called Dirty Business: the reality behind Ontario’s rush to wind power. Jane lives in a rural community which is part of Canada’s capital city, Ottawa; her community is threatened by a 20-megawatt industrial power project that will be too close to hundreds of homes.

Along with our special guests:

Gail and Ed Kenney of Wolfe Island, Ontario, whose appeal of their property value assessment was rejected this past week by Ontario’s assessment review board because they could find “no evidence”. Didn’t the fact that zero homes had sold since the 86 Turbines went up actually constitute stark, compelling evidence?


Saving Massachusetts from IWT – Louise Barteau, Virginia Irvine, Andrew Wells
Sunday, April 22, 2012, 7:00PM


Truth from Texas – Robert Bryce
Sunday, April 29, 2012, 7:00PM


Turbine Trouble in Paradise
Sunday, May 6, 2012, 7:00PM


Windfall hits the small screen – Director Laura Israel
Sunday, May 13, 2012, 7:00PM


Center for Biological Diversity & East County Magazine
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 7:00PM


Stand Against the Wind – Chris Braithwaite
Sunday, May 27, 2012, 7:00PM


Michigan Secessionists and DEP Falmouth Noise Study
Sunday, June 3, 2012, 7:00PM


Minnesota Madness. Offshore Wind in Vermont? California Land Giveaway!
Sunday, June 10, 2012, 7:00PM


Victorious Pennsylvania. Mistreating a Veteran. Vile Politics from AWEA.
Sunday, June 17, 2012, 7:00PM


Go to Part 2 (June 24, 2012, to April 30, 2013)

This material is the work of the author(s) indicated. Any opinions expressed in it are not necessarily those of National Wind Watch.

The copyright of this material resides with the author(s). As part of its noncommercial educational effort to present the environmental, social, scientific, and economic issues of large-scale wind power development to a global audience seeking such information, National Wind Watch endeavors to observe “fair use” as provided for in section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law and similar “fair dealing” provisions of the copyright laws of other nations. Queries e-mail.

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