Resource Documents by James, Richard
Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard
Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health: A Four-Decade History of Evidence that Wind Turbines Pose Risks
The primary aims of the linked article are to provide our reference sources for much of the information in that earlier series [background, evidence, and how the ear and brain process infrasound], as well as to update that information. We do so by addressing 12 specific position statements frequently made by the wind industry, its trade associations, and other surrogates. We address these position statements, many of which are revealed to be little more than unfounded talking points, by a . . . Complete article »
James, Richard; Swinbanks, Malcolm; and Rand, Robert
E-mail messages from acoustic consultants and researchers to Steven Cooper and colleagues
These e-mails were exchanged among acoustic consultants and researchers in the USA, New Zealand, and Australia regarding claims by wind developer Pacific Hydro and others that acousticians/noise engineers are not qualified to determine cause and effect of human perceptions and therefore physiological and psychological responses to sound energy. The comments by Pacific Hydro trying to limit the expertise of acousticians and noise engineers followed the public release of a review of, and strong endorsement of, Steven Cooper’s acoustic survey at . . . Complete article »
Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard
Negative health impact of noise from industrial wind turbines: How the ear and brain process infrasound
This article, the final of three installments, discusses the relationship between various health effects and our current understanding of the processing of infrasound by the ear and brain. [Part 1: Some Background; Part 2: The Evidence.] [Addendum: A Four-Decade History of Evidence that Wind Turbines Pose Risks] As noted in the second installment of this series, Dr. Geoff Leventhall, a co-author of the 2009 AWEA/CanWEA report, attributes the health complaints of people who live near industrial wind turbines (IWTs) to . . . Complete article »
Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard
Negative health impact of noise from industrial wind turbines: The evidence
This post, the second of three installments, reviews the major research findings linking low-frequency noise and infrasound from industrial wind turbines with effects on health and quality of life.[1] [Part 1: Some Background; Part 3: How the Ear and Brain Process infrasound; Addendum: A Four-Decade History of Evidence that Wind Turbines Pose Risks] Evidence that industrial wind turbines (IWTs) negatively impact human health is vast and growing. Although that evidence acknowledges that the exact exposures needed to impact health and . . . Complete article »
Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard
Negative health effects of noise from industrial wind turbines: Some background
This post, the first of a three-part series, provides a broad overview of the topic. The second installment will review the major research findings linking low-frequency noise and infrasound from industrial wind turbines with effects on health and quality of life. Part three will discuss the relationship between various health effects and the processing of infrasound by the ear and brain.[1] [Addendum: “A Four-Decade History of Evidence that Wind Turbines Pose Risks”] Cary Shineldecker was skeptical about the wind project . . . Complete article »
Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; James, Richard; and Nissenbaum, Michael
Public complaints about wind turbine noise and adverse health impacts justified
[Abstract] Significant proportions of IWT facility neighbors complain about turbine noise and sleep disturbances, among other adverse health complaints. We undertook an independent evaluation of several wind turbine projects located in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Illinois, Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to assess if common etiological factors exist. Adverse effects appear to relate to a basket of common factors that were overlooked or not included in preconstruction planning including noise predictions and assessments of likely community reactions. Correcting oversights . . . Complete article »
James, Richard
Statement of Richard R. James, INCE
… The reports and responses to information requests that I have prepared go into considerable detail regarding the basis for my conclusion that the BluEarth project, as currently proposed, has significant potential to adversely affect the people who live within at least 2 km of the project. This is not a new opinion. It was first formulated and published in 2008, in a whitepaper co-authored with Mr. George Kamperman, a senior acoustician whose career spans 65 years with a focus . . . Complete article »
James, Richard; Punch, Jerry; McCann, Michael; Schaffner, Milo; and Palmer, William
Application of Champaign Wind: Submitted Documents
For all case documents and public comments, go to: Download original documents: Richard James, acoustical engineer Jerry Punch, audiologist Michael McCann, real estate appraiser and consultant Milo Schaffner, farmer and trustee, Hoaglin Township William Palmer, engineer Exhibits B-K (Palmer) Exhibits L-Z (Palmer) Complete article »
James, Richard
Wind Turbine Infra and Low-Frequency Sound: Warning Signs That Were Not Heard
Abstract. Industrial wind turbines are frequently thought of as benign. However, the literature is reporting adverse health effects associated with the implementation of industrial-scale wind developments. This article explores the historical evidence about what was known regarding infra and low-frequency sound from wind turbines and other noise sources during the period from the 1970s through the end of the 1990s. This exploration has been accomplished through references, personal interviews and communications, and other available documentation. The application of past knowledge . . . Complete article »
Bray, Wade; and James, Richard
Dynamic measurements of wind turbine acoustic signals, employing sound quality engineering methods considering the time and frequency sensitivities of human perception
A set of binaural time-recordings and analyses of wind turbine noise outside and inside a residence in Huron County, Michigan, made over two days and the intervening night in December 2009, is presented, centering on analysis at the time-frequency resolutions of human hearing according to the well-established practices of sound quality engineering and soundscaping. The purpose of this paper is to present wind turbine acoustic measurements at these time-frequency scalings and to suggest that such consideration, frequently neglected in favor . . . Complete article »
Punch, Jerry; James, Richard; and Pabst, Dan
Wind-turbine noise: What audiologists should know
Most of us would agree that the modern wind turbine is a desirable alternative for producing electrical energy. one of the most highly touted ways to meet a federal mandate that 20 percent of all energy must come from renewable sources by 2020 is to install large numbers of utility-scale wind turbines. Evidence has been mounting over the past decade, however, that these utility-scale wind turbines produce significant levels of low-frequency noise and vibration that can be highly disturbing to . . . Complete article »
James, Richard
Surrebuttal Testimony of Richard R. James on Behalf of the Coalition for Wisconsin Environmental Stewardship
(Wisconsin Public Service Commission docket 6630-CE-302: Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) Glacier Hills Wind Park) I am testifying in response to the rebuttal testimony of George Hessler, Mark Roberts, and Geoff Leventhal, filed on behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company. … I have organized my responses into three sections: Ambient Sound Measurements, Validity of Noise Modeling, and Sleep Interference. … Numerous studies have shown that wind turbines can be operating at nominal or higher power production during conditions when the ground level . . . Complete article »
Kamperman, George; and James, Richard
How-to guide to criteria for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks from sound
Also see “Simple guidelines for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks” by the same authors Introduction A new source of community noise is spreading rapidly across the rural U.S. countryside. Industrial-scale wind turbines (WT), a common sight in many European countries, are now actively promoted by federal and state governments in the U.S. as a way to reduce coal-powered electrical generation and global warming. The presence of industrial wind projects is expected to increase dramatically over the next few . . . Complete article »
Kamperman, George; and James, Richard
Simple guidelines for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks
Also see “How-to guide to criteria for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks from sound” by the same authors Paper presented at Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) NOISE-CON 2008, July 28-31, 2008 George W. Kamperman, INCE Bd. Cert. Emeritus, INCE Kamperman Associates, Inc., Richard R. James, E-Coustic Solutions, Rev. 1.0, July 27, 2008 Industrial scale wind turbines are a familiar part of the landscape in Europe, U.K., and other parts of the world. In the U.S., . . . Complete article »
James, Richard; and McCann, Michael
Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing, May 1, 2008
The testimony of Rick James, noise control and acoustical consultant, begins on page 22, and that of Mike McCann, real estate appraiser, begins on page 105 of this transcript. Download original document: “Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing, May 1, 2008”). Complete article »
Kamperman, George; and James, Richard
Joint Statement to Wisconsin Task Force on Wind Siting Reform
December 13, 2007 To: Wisconsin Task Force on Wind Siting Reform Subject: Comments on Electric Generation and Supply templates Re: Wind Siting Reform Policy Please let us take this opportunity to briefly introduce ourselves. We are noise control consultants with many years of experience in community noise and related land-use planning issues. Mr. Kamperman has over 50 years of experience and was active in the early 1970’s assisting the US EPA, states such as Illinois, and many communities in setting . . . Complete article »
James, Richard
Baseline Noise Study for Residents for Sound Economics and Planning, Ubly, Michigan
This report presents the findings and recommendations from a study conducted to determine Community Response and Land Use Compatibility of the Noble Thumb Windpark. Data for this study was collected from three properties located near Ubly, Bingham Township, Huron County, Michigan. The study evaluated the Land Use Compatibility and Community Response to the changes that would occur in the Ubly and Bingham Township soundscape after installation of industrial scale wind turbines by Noble Environmental Power LLC. … The sound levels and . . . Complete article »
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