Paradise Destroyed: The Destruction of Rural Living by the Wind Energy Scam
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by Gregg Hubner, assisted by Jamin Hübner
Wind energy. It’s free. It’s green. It’s healthy. It’s sustainable. And it’s lucrative for property-owners.
If only this popular narrative were true.
In Paradise Destroyed, Gregg Hubner fully exposes wind energy development for what it really is: a taxpayer scam. And not only is it a scam, but wind farms are a destructive force of 21st-century crony-capitalism that renders local communities divided and land permanently devalued.
Hubner recounts his personal experience of wind energy colonization and shares his knowledge of just how much damage wind farms can cause property and property-owners. Complete with up-to-date research on the adverse health effects of wind energy, other chapters address the bane of PURPA legislation, legal risks in signing wind-rights contracts, and a host of other related issues. Whether you are a midwestern farmer considering a wind lease, or an environmental activist trying to save the planet, Paradise Destroyed is an absolute must-read.
Gregg C. Hubner is a farmer, businessman, and Certified General Appraiser from South Dakota. In 2012, he and his wife Marsha built a new “retirement” home that became jeopardized by the wind farm scam. Dr. Jamin Hübner is the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and part-time Professor of Economics at John Witherspoon College in the Black Hills.