Reasons NOT to Sign a Wind Contract
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Turbines cost you money
- The future of farming is in efficiency and precision.
- Turbine roads and towers decrease efficiency every time a field is worked whether it is planting, harvesting, tillage, spraying or other applications.
- Major seed companies will be less likely to grow seed corn near turbines. They need to be expedient with aerial applications which turbines hinder.
- Turbines can interfere with GPS, drones and any newer technology that requires a consistent signal.
They do not offer nearly enough compensation
- A landowner usually recieves about ½ of the revenue made off the land if a farmer/renter brings the equipment and does the work. Wind companies offer you pennies on the dollars they pocket.
They ask too much in return
- Landowners are asked to give up their rights and give the wind company’s project precedence over anything else including the farming operation. Land managers are starting to discourage the signing of wind easements.
They maintain all power and control
- Ask yourself, if there ever is a disagreement between you and the wind company, who will win?
Nuisance to surrounding community
- Law suits against wind companies have been brought by communities and families that are quietly settled out of court but, if you sign a wind contract you will sign a “nuisance clause” that will keep you from complaining about vibration, noise, turbulence, shadow flicker or stray voltage.
- However, making your neighbors put up with it is rude or even dangerous and you may be held liable.
Your property value could take a hit
- New turbines may not affect property values immediately but what about in 10-20 years when the turbines are showing their age and not producing as much? Will that turbine still be an asset or become an albatross?
- Homes on acreages decrease in value immediately when an industrial wind installation is built nearby.
- Right now in western Iowa the old Enron turbines are being cut off 1 foot above the base and the footings are being left. The turbines that are still standing are now only paying $200/year.
It is NOT what the wind company reps SAY: only what is in the contract is binding.
- Seek the advice of a competent property/real estate lawyer; not every lawyer will understand the specific points of wind contracts.
Just because they SAY that the project will happen does not mean it will happen.
- They do not have the easements they “need”- only 100 people have signed in Palo Alto (50 being absentee) and much of the land is not connected making it useless without the land in between. There are only about 35 in Kossuth, 25 in Emmet/ Dickinson and three in Clay. A wind company had to move on from Royal, Iowa, for lack of interest.
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