Bureau County to sue Iberdrola for road repairs
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The following press statement was issued last evening by the Board of Bureau County, Illinois. The actions of Iberdrola have also prompted some board members to petition the Illinois Attorney General to draft a document similar to the recent New York Wind Energy Code of Conduct.
For weeks, the Bureau County Board has attempted to resolve with Iberdrola Renewables the dispute concerning the road repairs necessitated by the construction of the Providence Heights wind farm. Last week, Iberdrola Renewables rejected a proposal made by the County Board and has refused to engage in any further discussions. It is now apparent that this dispute will have to be resolved in court. Iberdrola Renewables has refused to honor its contractual obligations and to accept responsibility for its fair share of the road damage, as determined by an independent, highly quilified engineering firm. The County Board intends to pursue all available legal remedies and to vigorously contest any claims asserted by Iberdrola Renewables. We are confident that we will prevail.
Mark F. Pierson
Vice-Chair, Bureau County Board
Oct. 14, 2009