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Republican club resolves to reject wind turbine plans
Credit: Submitted by Mike Larkin The Leader | ~~
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The Clinton County Republican Club met at James Kennedy’s Family Restaurant in Plattsburg on Thursday evening, May 19th. President Michael Larkin gaveled the Meeting to be in Order at 7:06 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance and a Blessing led by John Cayton, and a brief business meeting, Bruce Burdick briefed the twenty- five members and guests on the progress of the Zoning Board on the proposed NextEra Wind Turbine project in Clinton and DeKalb counties.
After every member and guest who wished to had spoken it was apparent that this tax subsidized economically unfeasible project would be detrimental to our farms, our economy, our land values, our health, and not the least, our and children and grandchildren.
Secretary – Treasurer Jan Shrewsbury introduced the following resolution seconded by Nelson Hayes, which passed unanimously.
Whereas, Wind and Solar energies require large subsidies from our Federal Tax dollars by the Department of Energy,
And, whereas the United States has adequate supplies of oil, gas, and clean coal to meet our energy needs for the foreseeable future,
And, whereas, Global Warming and Climate Change are still scientifically uncertain with no conclusions,
And, where as the taxpayers of Clinton County will be liable for the removal of these Wind Turbines should the LLC’s and Corporations who install them declare bankruptcy and leave our county,
Therefore, be it resolved that the members of the Clinton County Republican Club voice their opposition to the installation of Wind Turbines in Clinton County,
And be it further resolved, that the Zoning Board and our County Commissioners reject all plans for said Wind Turbines.
A motion for adjournment was proposed by Sheila Harris and seconded by candidate for Sheriff Larry Fish and passed at 8:30 p.m.
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