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Turbine will spoil the view
Credit: Fife Today | 15 August 2013 | ~~
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Over 100 objections have been lodged against plans for a 74m wind turbine in Burntisland with many locals claiming it will spoil the landscape.
And Edinburgh Airport, which was consulted on the plans, said the turbine would have a negative impact on Air Traffic Control operations.
The application has been submitted jointly by Kingdom Housing Association and Edinburgh-based renewable energy company Locogen Ltd who claim the development not only complies with national and local planning policy, but will also result in increased revenue spent in Fife. The plans are currently pending consideration by Council planners.
The application states the wind turbine will be 74m to blade tip and will be erected with an associated sub-station and transformer kiosk at Balbie Farm, Burntisland.
But residents believe the local landscape as well as the High Binn area will be spoiled if Fife Council gives permission for the structure.
David Potts said: “The High Binn, above Burntisland, is a landmark of the Fife Coastline. The developer is attempting to spoil this area by applying for planning permission to build a wind turbine.
“The area is criss-crossed by the core path network and is heavily used by dog owners, walkers and cyclists. They will be overwhelmed by this huge rotating structure. The area is designated to have no capacity for wind turbines.”
Another objector, Karen Chalmers, said: “The local area is a lovely landscape which will be totally spoiled by this proposal.”
As well as residents, Edinburgh Airport voiced its concerns.
It said the turbine would be visible on the airport radar and would clutter the radar screen resulting in a ‘detrimental effect on Air Traffic Control operations.’
But in a joint statement issued by the applicants, Bill Banks, chief executive of Kingdom Housing Association, said the development complies with planning policy.
It has also received support from local organisations including Glen Housing Association and the Ecology Centre.
“Fifty per cent of the total turbine revenue would be spent directly in Fife on furthering the Kingdom’s charitable and sustainability objectives, including the provision of social housing stock.
“A dedicated fund has also been proposed, providing almost £100,000 to nearby community groups over the 25 year life of the turbine.”
He added there would be no adverse impacts of noise, shadow flicker or public safety.
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