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Residents blast huge wind turbine plan 

Credit:  By Liam Thorp, Reporter | The Bolton News | 14th June 2013 | www.theboltonnews.co.uk ~~

Angry residents turned out in force to protest against plans to build a massive wind turbine.

Bradshaw Area Forum had to move from Harwood Methodist Church Hall to the church across the road so more than 100 people, who had come along to raise objections to the proposals, could be accommodated.

Plans have been submitted to build a 45m turbine on land at Meadow Barn Field.

Concerned residents had arranged a crisis meeting for the same time as the area form.

Cllr Stuart Haslam backed those against the project.

He said: “The site is too close, there will be noise pollution and there is no benefit to the community.

“It is too large, too intrusive and will be to the detriment of the lives of people.”

This was met with loud applause and cheering from the room.

Cllr Walter Hall agreed, saying: “There are no exceptional circumstances for this to happen, and it would be on green belt land.

“This is a business venture, it is nothing to do with being green it is to do with being greedy.”

Residents then took to the floor to voice their concerns about the planning application.

John Woods of Oak Cottage said: “I live 400 metres from where the turbine would be and the propellers would turn in line with my lounge windows.

“I am really concerned that there has been no noise survey – there has been a survey on how it will affect bats and newts, but what about humans?”

Area co-coordinator John Shannon confirmed a noise survey has now been requested.

Fellow resident David Beaker said: “Is this turbine going to be for the core business of farming or is it for generating electricity? If it is the second, then that would feed 100 properties – is there a policy for industrialising a rural landscape?”

The plan has been submitted to Bolton Council with the help of Wind Turbine Project Management Services.

A company spokesman said: “Careful consideration has been given to the siting of the turbine in order to minimise any detrimental effects on the landscape.”

Source:  By Liam Thorp, Reporter | The Bolton News | 14th June 2013 | www.theboltonnews.co.uk

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