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Resource Documents by schleede

Schleede, Glenn
False claims that “wind farms” provide large economic and job benefits 
One would think that by now Obama Administration officials would admit that “wind farms” do not provide large economic and job benefits. However, recent Administration statements suggest the delusion continues and, perhaps, that officials do not understand why their expectations are unrealistic. False expectations may be due to the infamous “JEDI” model (Jobs and Economic Development Impact model) developed for DOE’s National Renewable Energy “Laboratory” (NREL) by a wind industry consultant-lobbyist. Unfortunately, this “model” (paid for with our tax dollars) . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Highly Misleading ACORE Report on Potential for Wind Energy 
A friend recently asked for my comments on the May 2009 “ACORE 20 GW Plan for Kansas” report, which claims that Kansas could get 20,000 megawatts (MW) of electric generating capacity from “renewable” energy sources (more than 18,000 MW coming from wind) and enjoy economic benefits. I had heard of the ACORE report when it was issued but had not taken the time to read it since ACORE reports generally are biased and designed to promote the interest of ACORE members . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Evaluation of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Statements in West Virginia about Wind Energy: Deluded, Delusional, or Dishonest? 
Attachment A [to this paper] lists quotes from Robert Kennedy, Jr. concerning wind energy, as those quotes appear in the transcript of a Forum on the Future of Energy on January 21, 2010, at the University of Charleston, West Virginia. During the Forum, Mr. Kennedy made many statements about wind energy that are false or misleading and should not be allowed to stand without challenge. It’s unclear from the transcript whether Mr. Kennedy has been misled by the wind industry, . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Cape Wind won’t save billions for New England electric customers 
February 12, 2010 The Editor Cape Cod Times 319 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Dear Editor: Thanks for the article in your February 11, 2010, edition, but electric customers in New England should not believe the claim that the Cape Wind project will save them “Billions” on their electric bills. Frankly, the numbers in the slick 9-page “consultant” study [i] released by the developer of the Cape Wind project claim of $4.6 billion in savings over 25 years just don’t . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
True Cost of Electricity from Wind Is Always Underestimated and Its Value Is Always Overestimated 
Probably the most common wind energy question that I receive from analysts, reporters, and interested citizens deals with the cost of electricity from wind. The frequency of the question is understandable since estimates provided by the wind industry, federal and state agencies and contractors, and the media understate the true cost and ignore the fact that electricity from wind is very low in value. Typically, those asking the question would like a simple way to compare the cost of electricity . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Ultra NIMBY – or U-NIMBY 
For the past 25 years, virtually anyone who opposed the construction of some kind of major energy facility, such as an oil or gas storage tank, electrical transmission line, power plant, or ‘wind farm” in their area has been labeled, derisively, as a “NIMBY,” an acronym standing for “Not In My Back Yard.” Some using the NIMBY term do so in an attempt to discredit project opponents and to avoid dealing with substantive issues raised by the opponents. Thus, “NIMBY” . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
False Claims about “homes served” by electricity from wind 
Anyone using the phrase “homes served” to describe the potential output from one or more wind turbines is demonstrating that he or she (a) doesn’t understand the facts about wind turbines, (b) believes false claims from the wind industry, or (c) is trying to mislead their reader or listener. False statements about “homes served” by wind turbines are not the only – and certainly not the most important – false claims regularly made by wind industry developers and lobbyists. But they are . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Wind energy will be an early test of Obama’s White House staff 
President-elect Obama has said that he would promote “wind farms” as one way to create more jobs. This idea is consistent with popular wisdom about wind energy and, therefore, sounded good while Mr. Obama was in the Senate and during his presidential campaign. The problem for Mr. Obama now is that this popular wisdom is wrong. Contrary to reports issued by various wind energy advocates, “wind farms” provide few energy, environmental, or economic benefits and create very few jobs – . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Wind “integration” and grid reliability 
When looking at the referenced GE report for NYSERDA, please recognize the “game” that is being played by wind developers, NYSERDA, GE, etc. when they claim that electric grids “are designed to” and/or “can easily accommodate” integration of additional wind generating capacity “up to ” some arbitrarily stated %. Managers of electric grids (and others seeking to assure reliability of electric service) strive to have enough operating reserve to be able to manage (a) unplanned outages (failures) of generating capacity . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Green Jobs Claims Based on Flawed Assumptions 
Dear Ken [Silverman], You are a fine writer but your October 20, 2008, EnergyBiz Insider story, “Growing Green Jobs,” demonstrates that you need to refresh your discernment and investigative reporting skills. Unfortunately, you apparently have “bought” exaggerated claims of economic and job benefit put forth by a variety of renewable energy advocates that are based on flawed analyses. I urge you to look more closely at the claims and the underlying analyses and “economic models” for unjustifiable assumptions and other . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Two Oil Companies use “wind farm” tax breaks to shelter profits from income tax 
Last April, Senator Domenici (R-NM) demanded that the “Big 5” oil companies provide him with “detailed explanations of how they use their profits to re-invest in energy production,” and “the extent of their investments in clean energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal.” [i] Apparently the Senator did not know that the two foreign based of his target oil companies – UK-based BP and Netherlands-based Shell – are investing heavily in “wind energy” in the US, but perhaps not for . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Letter to Warsaw County Courier 
Three years ago, Horizon Wind Energy’s Mr. Davidson might have been able to “get away with” the half-truths and false claims made in his letter that you published on March 13, 2008. However, much has been learned about wind energy and the facts do not support his claims. For example: 1. Wind turbines are not a reliable source of electricity. While they are huge machines, they produce very little electricity and that electricity is intermittent, volatile, and unreliable. Their output . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Electric industry terms 
Valuable glossary of terms important to the discussion of wind energy on the electric energy supply grid. Download original document: “Electric industry terms” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Comments on Wyoming County IDA Application for Financial Assistance” for the High Sheldon “Wind Farm” 
“Frankly, there is very little substance in the Application. Perhaps there is a lot more someplace else; e.g., in the Environmental Impact Statements or other documents available to the IDA. “I have written the comments broadly because I believe faulty or incomplete economic analyses of wind energy, generally, and specific “wind farms” is a generic problem in NY. Claims of economic benefit are often not backed up with data that can be evaluated or are clearly based on faulty assumptions. . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
New EIA Report on "Renewable" Energy — Useful Data, Lacks Objectivity 
Comments on the US EIA’s recently released report, Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary 2006 Statistics, August 2007 which you can find at www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/prelim_trends/rea_prereport.html: 1. “BTU from Wind.” For those not “steeped” in EIA data and calculations, please don’t be misled by the first table that shows up on the web site which shows “BTU consumption” for each renewable energy source. As EIA explains (e.g., See page 4, at www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mer/pdf/pages/sec12_a_doc.pdf) “There is no generally accepted practice for measuring the thermal . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Evaluation of New York Energy Plans Announced April 2007 
Recent energy policy announcements by the Governor of New York, the President of NYSERDA, and the Chairwoman of the NY State Public Service Commission must leave many people in New York – especially in Upstate and Western New York – wondering what their elected and appointed leaders in Albany have against them. New York ‘s Independent System Operator (NYISO), which manages the wholesale electric grid in NY and works to assure that electric service will be reliable, has concluded that New York . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
EIA Lowers its Forecast for the Contribution of "Wind Energy" — Jan 30, 2007 
The latest annual energy forecast issued by the US Energy Information Administration EIA) indicates that, by the year 2030, wind energy would supply less than 1% of US electric generation and about 4/10 of 1% of total US energy consumption…. Download original document: “EIA Lowers its Forecast for the Contribution of “Wind Energy” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Wind Energy Will Not Reduce US Oil Dependence 
Updated December 2006 “One of the false claims made by “wind energy” advocates is that greater use of this potential energy source would reduce US dependence on oil, including oil imports. In fact, adding more wind turbines will have no significant impact on US oil consumption …” Download original document: “Wind Energy Will Not Reduce US Oil Dependence” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Stretching or Ignoring Facts and Making Unwarranted Assumptions When Attempting to Justify Wind Energy 
Attempts in Kansas to justify wind energy illustrate the challenge facing many government officials and illustrate the risks facing taxpayers and electric customers. Contents include: Key reasons why political leaders and regulators are facing problems when attempting to deal with wind energy Activities underway in Kansas illustrate the problems associated with attempts to force greater use of wind energy Facts about wind energy that are often ignored by federal, state and local officials when considering wind energy policies or facilities . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
False Wind Industry Claims 
Wind industry developers, lobbyists, and other officials, and their supporters often claim that integration of the output of electricity from wind turbines in an electric grid and the need for backup generation is “not a problem” – at least until wind generating capacity reaches some percentage, such as 10%. At best, the claim is a half-truth and more likely to be false. Download original document: “False Wind Industry Claims” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Facing Up to the True Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy 
A necessary step in any attempt to understand the outlook for US energy supply and demand … before the Associated Electric Cooperative, Incorporated – at their 2004 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Download original document: “Facing Up to the True Costs of Wind Energy” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Investment in Wind Yields Negligible Environmental Benefits 
“The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored a conference at which Radnor’s symbolic purchase was announced. The overall cost of that conference to taxpayers and participants exceeded $100,000, which could have paid for the 20,000 energy efficient light bulbs that would have allowed Radnor Township to realize a greater savings in electricity use than the amount of the token wind energy purchase. Not only would that have meant less consumption, equating to less generation, resulting in less emissions and less cost, . . . Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Errors and Excesses in the NREL’s JEDI-WIM Model 
Includes a demonstration of the NREL model’s overestimates – using the example of a “wind farm” proposed for Highland County, Virginia … Download original document: “Errors and Excesses in the NREL’s JEDI-WIM Model” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Analysis of ‘Whole Foods’ 2006 Wind Energy Purchase 
The natural foods grocery chain, Whole Foods, failed to do its homework when it agreed to buy “wind energy” and, thereby, launch the nation’s largest demonstration to date of “green energy” pseudo-environmentalism! Fownload original document: “Analysis of ‘Whole Foods’ 2006 Wind Energy Purchase” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Misplaced State Government Faith in "Wind Energy" — Kansas 
A recent report by the “Kansas Energy Council” illustrates how government officials in many state capitals and in Washington create bad government policy by relying on misinformation, bowing to lobbyists, and failing to look at the true costs and benefits of their proposed actions and recommendations … Download original document: “Misplaced State Government Faith in ‘Wind Energy’ – Kansas” Complete article »

Schleede, Glenn
Big Money Discovers Huge Tax Breaks and Subsidies for Wind Energy 
Recent events confirm that “Big Money” interests in the US and Europe have discovered the enormously generous tax breaks and subsidies that are now available in the US for producing electricity with wind turbines … Download original document: “Big Money” Discovers Huge Tax Breaks and Subsidies for “Wind Energy” Complete article »

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