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Resource Documents by Laurie, Sarah

Laurie, Sarah
Expert Witness Statement of Sarah Laurie, Waubra Foundation 
Requested by Stockyard Hill Landscape Guardians – I have used my previous clinical experience as a rural General Practitioner to interview individuals reporting adverse health effects from a range of industrial noise sources, and then used the information obtained together with my clinical insights and experience, to collaborate with trained health and acoustics professionals in Australia and internationally to plan and implement new multidisciplinary research methodologies and develop new acoustic instrumentation, to facilitate accurate measurement and recording of acoustic exposures, and . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Speech for the Falmouth Rally, 27th February, 2016 
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to your rally. I first wish to pay tribute to the long suffering residents of Falmouth USA, who lived or are still living near the wind turbines owned by the town. These people have made an incredible contribution to our knowledge of wind turbine acoustics, wind turbine adverse health impacts, and have shown true human courage and compassion for others in a similar situation – both in their own country and further afield. . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah; and Australia Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
Sarah Laurie before the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines 
Ms Laurie:  Thank you, Senators, for the invitation to attend this Senate inquiry into regulatory issues relating to industrial wind turbines. The systemic regulatory failure with respect to the way industrial and environmental noise pollution is regulated in Australia is not confined to wind turbine noise. As you would have seen from the submissions of the Wollar Progress Association; and residents living near the coalmines in the Upper Hunter region and residents of Lithgow impacted by coal fired power stations . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Expert Opinion Concerning the Adverse Impacts of Wind Turbine Noise 
“Will noise or other direct or indirect consequences (and which consequences) of the operation of the Stony Gap wind farm erected as contemplated in the Application, and involving turbines of the type and dimensions referred to in the Application, in your opinion be likely to cause adverse health effects or significantly exacerbate existing adverse health effects to a significant percentage of the population living within up to 10 kilometers of the turbines from the Stony Gap Wind Farm?” In my . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Cutting through the Spin 
Do wind turbines cause adverse health effects? What are the mechanisms? Out to what distance? What is the existing evidence? – Peer reviewed and published in journals, based on data rather than “reviews” – Peer reviewed What is the wind industry (and its many supporters and paid experts) saying? How can we move forward? Do Wind Turbines Cause Adverse Health Effects? YES!!  Reported by clinicians and residents (including turbine “hosts”), workers and visitors around the world. Clear patterns of exposure . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Open Letter to AMA on Position Statement: Wind Farms & Health 2014 
Dear Australian Medical Association Federal Office Bearers, As I have not received a response to a detailed email sent to the AMA President and the Vice President 4 days ago concerning the AMA’s position statement on wind “farms” and health, this is an open letter to you all. This matter is of considerable and increasing national and international interest, especially to rural residents whose health has been severely adversely impacted by existing wind turbine developments, some of whom have been . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Statement of Sarah Laurie (overview: evidence of health risks) 
… 24. Dr Amanda Harry, a rural General Practitioner from Cornwall in the United Kingdom was the first Medical practitioner I am aware of who reported adverse health effects being experienced by neighbours to wind turbines. Dr Harry conducted a survey of her patients living near wind developments in 2003. Her study is attached as annexure 3. 25. Dr Harry’s additional experience and post graduate qualifications in the fields of Ear Nose and Throat disorders, and the multidisciplinary assistance she . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Wind turbine noise, adverse health effects, and professional ethics 
Knowing I would be following Lilli Green’s footsteps with her moving stories of the people she has met around the world adversely impacted by wind turbines has helped me focus on aspects of this complex yet simple problem, which I think have not received enough public attention. Essentially my interest and that of the Waubra Foundation is in the damage unregulated noise pollution is doing to human health, with a particular focus on the effects of infrasound and low frequency . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Statement of Dr Sarah Elisabeth Laurie 
In the Victorian Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal Planning and Environment List, no 2910 of 2012, between Cherry Tree Wind Farm Pty Ltd, applicant, and Mitchell Shire Council, first respondent, and Trawool Valley-Whiteheads Creek Landscape Guardians Inc, second respondent, and ORS, respondents 16. The Waubra Foundation is frequently described in the media and by wind developers as an “anti wind” organisation, and I am personally regularly described as being “anti wind”. Both assertions are untrue. For example, it is on . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
List of symptoms and medical problems 
Dear Senator Cameron, As requested by you, I have provided details of the range of symptoms and health problems which have been reported to me by residents living near industrial wind turbines, which the residents and in some instances their treating doctors have told me are new since the wind development commenced operating, and which correlate with exposure to the operating wind development. I have also provided details of those conditions which the residents or their treating doctors have told . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Letter from Sarah Laurie to Simon Chapman 
Your recent wind turbine opinion piece in the New Scientist, together with your media commentary in other articles, interviews and comments on blogs, purport to be “the truth” about this subject. However my knowledge of the problems, obtained directly from sick residents including turbine hosts and some of their treating doctors, rather than indirect sources, is in stark contrast. I would be obliged if you will direct me to the population studies or even small case control studies, which have . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Short- and long-term impact of proposed Collector wind development 
In summary, we know that people’s health is being harmed who are living within 10km of these large wind turbines, from the well known clinical consequences severe cumulative sleep disturbance, from acute and chronic cumulative physiological and psychological stress, and from a range of characteristic other symptoms, which are thought to relate primarily to vestibular dysfunction of the inner ear at levels of infrasound and low frequency noise previously assumed to be safe (based on Professor Salt and Dr Nina . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Comments on wind turbine noise and its health effects 
Dear Director General, NSW Planning Department: I have been asked by residents in the Mt Bodangora/Wellington area to comment on the proposed wind development. I make the following comments having investigated the area of wind turbine noise and its effects on surrounding rural residents for the last two years. I have worked with sick residents and their treating doctors, with national and international acoustic engineers, physiologists, psychologists, epidemiologists and medical practitioners to better understand the problems. We are all concerned . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Two more Australian rural doctors express concerns about health problems with poorly sited wind turbines 
Two more Australian Medical Practitioners have publicly highlighted their concerns about serious health problems experienced by their patients living in the vicinity of wind turbine developments. They join the first Australian clinical whistleblower to speak out about this problem, Dr David Iser, who first expressed his concerns publicly in 2004, based on a small study he conducted on his patients living near the Toora Wind Development in South Gippsland, Victoria . There are now clinicians from the UK, Europe, Canada, . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Summary of recent observations of adverse health effects from wind developments 
Recent field observations Ongoing data collection from multiple Wind Developments across SE Australia Includes information from following sources: interviews with affected residents medical records treating physicians personal health journals acoustic monitoring inside homes Summary of key findings Over 60 people interviewed so far Includes local residents, workers and visitors Symptoms characteristic of exposure to wind turbines (never previously experienced) noted up to 10km away Night time waking in panicked state Body vibrations Symptoms ALWAYS worsen with increasing exposure over time . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Sarah Laurie address to Australian Senate Inquiry 
… As I have listed in my submission, there are numerous doctors now, both in Australia and overseas, who have either conducted small studies on their patient populations, or conducted larger studies on patients who had developed the same health problems, since the wind developments had started operating near to their homes. We are all very concerned that these serious and mounting health problems are being ignored by our respective governments and health research institutions, previously held in high esteem. . . . Complete article »

Laurie, Sarah
Submission to the Australian Federal Senate Inquiry on Rural Wind Farms 
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. There are reports from around the world of people living adjacent to wind turbine developments becoming unwell with the same range of symptoms 2. The few studies which have been done by concerned medical clinicians have consistently found these problems 3. The medical evidence which exists from Dr Pierpont’s landmark peer reviewed case series cross over study clearly links exposure to turbines with the symptoms being described 4. Not all adjacent residents are affected 5. Some developments . . . Complete article »

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