What we know already but the Wind industry are trying to hide
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- We know wind turbines generate audible, low frequency and infrasound noise and vibration. This has been measured inside and outside of sufferers’ homes.
- We know health problems (totally new, or old afflictions aggravated) start to appear around wind projects sited in most rural settings with turbines of 0.6MW or larger, co-incident with the start up of operations.
- We know that the health problems continue to emerge in more people and intensify as time exposure increases.
- We know that increasing turbine blade length and power generating capacity increases both total noise emitted and the percentage of that noise present as low frequency noise and infrasound; which makes problems such as sleep disturbance more likely to occur in more households out to greater distances from the turbine (refer to Dr. Laurie’s Annexure 10, “Low Frequency Noise from Large Turbines”, Møller and Pedersen, 2011)
- We know that the appearance and intensity of symptoms diminish with distance from turbines, a crude but consistent indicator of a dose response effect in the few studies with systematic data collection.
- We know that similar effects or symptom clusters have been identified in many projects in Australia and overseas, and around other sources of infrasound and low frequency noise.
- We know sleep disturbance followed by sleep deprivation is the most common problem reported by wind project neighbours, with devastating effects on long term health and well-being and productivity.
- We know that the symptoms can be extremely serious. We know there is an increased risk of permanent damage to mental and physical health from the clinical cases we have observed.
- We know there is an increased risk of certain life threatening events, including heart attack, stroke and suicide from severe sleep deprivation, which is supported by recent and longstanding current knowledge within the peer reviewed medical literature.
- We know that some 40 families have abandoned their houses or sold to developers in Victoria, NSW and South Australia, because they, or their families, became so ill whilst living in their homes. We have interviewed well over 100 sufferers, and the pattern of their suffering is identical, even if the specific cluster of symptoms experienced may differ in detail between sufferers.
- We know, from reports at Glenthompson and Mt Bryan, if turbines are shut down at night, peoples’ health and sleep improves.
- We know if sufferers move away almost all the symptoms fade and disappear. If sufferers move back and the turbines are operating, the symptoms recur.
- We know that neither sleeping pills nor tranquilisers nor earplugs nor double glazing nor house insulation is of help with reducing episodes of sleep disturbance; an indicator of the presence of low frequency noise and infrasound.
- We have formed a professional view that the sufferers are neither hypochondriacs, nor casual of the truth, nor terrified; but are typical farmers; enduring of hardship and injury, uncomplaining and patient. Their suffering and symptoms are real and in no way do they exaggerate their pain. Sufferers are both turbine hosts and non-participating neighbours to wind farms.
Stockyardhill Community Guardians Newsletter #1 March 2013 [part 2]
Stockyardhill Community Guardians is a volunteer group representing over 100 local members that share grave concerns regarding the Stockyardhill Wind Farm development. Established 6 years ago, the group focuses on empowering people with independent information that is not wind industry funded, in order to be able to make educated decisions and remain community orientated. The Stockyardhill Community Guardians joins the global network that is fighting for justice, independent health research and fairer outcomes for rural people regarding wind industrialisation of regional areas.
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