Stop the reckless siting of wind turbines in Scotland’s scenic landscapes
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To: First Minister Salmond, Minister Ewing, Mr. Fraser and the Scottish People
In 1849, John Muir, a young Scotsman emigrated to America with his family. He went on to become the driving force behind the protection of many of the national parks, forests and other pristine areas of wilderness here in the United States.
Without this Scotsman many of the most glorious areas of North America (and all around the world) would have been lost to commercial development.
The signers of this petition – hailing from the United States, Canada and many other countries – would like to return the favor to the people, fauna, and flora of Scotland.
Each of the signers would like you to know:
We are not coming to Scotland to see your wind power plants.
We are not going to spend our hard-earned money to visit a land blighted by excessive wind turbine development.
Stop the reckless siting of wind turbines in Scotland’s scenic landscapes