3rd International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise
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Wind Turbine Noise 2009
3rd International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise
Location and Dates
The conference will be held over 3 days from 17-19th June 2009 in Aalborg, Denmark.
Local Organisers are members of the Acoustics Department at Aalborg University
The Acoustics Department of Aalborg University is well known for its work, particularly on problems of low-frequency noise, including low-frequency noise from wind turbines.
This Third International Conference, organised by Ince/Europe, will once again provide a venue for all those with an interest in wind turbine noise, and its effects on people, to meet together and also meet with those who design wind turbine installations, both in industry and in the planning process.
There is also an introductory course on noise on the afternoon prior to the conference. This has proved very popular in previous years.
The first Wind Turbine Noise conference took place in Berlin in 2005 and was a great success, bringing together 130 delegates from 22 countries.
The Second Wind Turbine Noise conference took place in Lyon, France in 2007 with more than 150 delegates from 24 countries around the world, representing:
* manufacturers
* developers
* researchers in noise and vibration
* environmentalists
* pressure groups
* consultants
… Development of onshore wind power brings wind turbines closer to habitation, leading to the possibility of noise problems, such that a frequent objection raised in planning procedures is that of noise and vibration.
This conference aims to bring together the latest information on noise and vibration from wind turbines to give an unbiased framework from within which future developments can be assessed. The conference will also provide a venue for researchers on wind turbine noise and its effects to meet together and also meet with those who design wind turbine installations, both in industry and in the planning process.
Who should attend?
* Specialists in noise and vibration and its effects
* Wind turbine designers and manufacturers
* Developers of Wind farms
* Environmental protection officers
* Community planners and decision makers
* Consultants
* And all others who have an interest in wind turbine noise.
Offer a paper – Dates and Information
If you wish to offer a paper, please send an abstract to the organiser of WTN 2009
Abstracts should be about 200 words long.
Abstracts by 28th February 2009
Final papers by 30th April 2009
Authors receive a reduced registration fee of 500 euro instead of 600 euro, following receipt of their paper.
… The topics covered include the following:
* Sources of noise in wind turbines and dependence on atmospheric conditions
* Wind turbine noise modeling
* Micro turbines including machines for urban projects
* Interactions of wind turbines in wind farms
* Design for low noise
* Propagation of wind turbine noise over land and water
* Wind turbines offshore
* Vibration from wind turbines
* Standards and regulations
* Effects of wind turbine noise on individuals and collective behaviour
* Planning requirements and decision-making
* Acoustic monitoring and surveillance
* Condition Monitoring
* Future prospects
* And any other topic related to wind turbine noise and vibration, their generation, propagation and effects
Programmes from Previous Conferences
The previous programmes can be viewed as pdf files:
The CDs of the Proceedings of WTN 2005 and WTN 2007 are available from the INCE Europe secretariat, contact
Course on Noise
A half-day introductory course on basic ideas on noise and its assessment, is planned for the afternoon and evening of Tuesday 16 June. This will help to set the scene for those without specialist knowledge. There is a separate registration fee for this course of €120 Euros, including course notes. The course will cover:
* Noise and Decibels
* Sound power and sound pressure Noise levels and human hearing
* Human response to noise
* Sources of noise
* Propagation of noise
* Noise control
* Basics of noise from wind turbines
* Production and propagation
In previous years the course was judged to be “extremely useful” by many of those who attended and helped their understanding of the more technical papers at the conference.
Registration for this noise course is on the conference registration form.
Registration is now open, please.
Organising Committee
* Geoff Leventhall, UK INCE/Europe, Chairman
* Mark Bastasch, USA
* Frits van den Berg, Netherlands
* René Gamba, France
* Malcolm Hayes, UK
* Henrik Møller, Denmark, Local Organiser
* Stefan Oerlemans, Netherlands
* Eja Pedersen, Sweden
* Steffen Pedersen, Denmark, Local Organiser
* Bo Sondergard, Denmark
* Renzo Tonin, Australia
* Jean Tourret, France, INCE/Europe, President