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Resource Documents by Thorsson, Pontus

Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Hussain-Alkhateeb, Laith; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; Ageborg Morsing, Julia; and Persson Waye, Kerstin
Laboratory study on the effects of wind turbine noise on sleep: results of the polysomnographic WiTNES study 
Abstract Study Objectives: Assess the physiologic and self-reported effects of wind turbine noise (WTN) on sleep. Methods: Laboratory sleep study (n = 50 participants: n = 24 living close to wind turbines and n = 26 as a reference group) using polysomnography, electrocardiography, salivary cortisol, and questionnaire endpoints. Three consecutive nights (23:00–07:00): one habituation followed by a randomized quiet Control and an intervention night with synthesized 32 dB LAEq WTN. Noise in WTN nights simulated closed and ajar windows and . . . Complete article »

Thorsson, Pontus
In situ measured facade sound insulation of wind turbine sound 
ABSTRACT— In most countries there are regulations of wind turbine sound level outdoors at dwellings. Often there are also regulations of the sound levels inside the dwelling, however not often directly aiming at wind turbine sound. The sound level indoors from wind turbines has attracted more interest in the latest years, and then especially in the low frequency region (up to 200 Hz). Studies on the in situ sound level difference between outside and inside of dwellings are however scarce. This . . . Complete article »

Ageborg Morsing, Julia; Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; and Persson Waye, Kerstin
Wind Turbine Noise and Sleep: Pilot Studies on the Influence of Noise Characteristics 
Abstract: The number of onshore wind turbines in Europe has greatly increased over recent years, a trend which can be expected to continue. However, the effects of wind turbine noise on long-term health outcomes for residents living near wind farms is largely unknown, although sleep disturbance may be a cause for particular concern. Presented here are two pilot studies with the aim of examining the acoustical properties of wind turbine noise that might be of special relevance regarding effects on . . . Complete article »

Thorsson, Pontus; Persson Waye, Kerstin; Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Pedersen, Eja; and Forssén Jens
Low-frequency outdoor–indoor noise level difference for wind turbine assessment 
Abstract: To increase the understanding of wind turbine noise on sleep, human physiological reactions need to be studied in a controlled laboratory setting. The paper presents an outdoor–indoor noise level difference as a function of frequency, applicable to creating wind turbine indoor sounds with the outdoor sounds as input. For this, a combination of measurement data and modeling results has been used. The suggested data are provided in a table. Pontus Thorsson, Division of Applied Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology . . . Complete article »

Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Hussain-Alkhateeb, Laith; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; Ageborg Morsing, Julia; and Persson Waye, Kerstin
Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep: The WiTNES study 
ABSTRACT — Onshore wind turbines are becoming increasingly widespread globally, with the associated net effect that a greater number of people will be exposed to wind turbine noise (WTN). Sleep disturbance by WTN has been suggested to be of particular importance with regards to a potential impact on human health. Within the Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep (WiTNES) project, we have experimentally investigated the physiological effects of night time WTN on sleep using polysomnography and self-reporting protocols. Fifty participants . . . Complete article »

Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Pedersen, Eja; and Persson Waye, Kerstin
Physiological effects of wind turbine noise on sleep 
Abstract: In accordance with the EU energy policy, wind turbines are becoming increasingly widespread throughout Europe, and this trend is expected to continue globally. More people will consequently live close to wind turbines in the future, and hence may be exposed to wind farm noise. Of particular concern is the potential for nocturnal noise to contribute towards sleep disturbance of nearby residents. To examine the issue, we are implementing a project titled Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep (WiTNES). In . . . Complete article »

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