Resource Documents by Shepherd, Daniel
Shepherd, Daniel
Statement of Evidence on behalf of Glenmark Community Against Wind Turbines
I have been invited by Glenmark Community Against Wind Turbines, Inc to provide an evaluation of the impact of turbine noise on health and well-being. … Relatively, wind turbines are a new source of community noise, and as such their effects on public health are only beginning to emerge in the literature. The recognition of a new disease, disorder, or threat to health usually follows a set pathway. First, doctors and practitioners attempt to fit symptoms into pre-defined diagnostic categories or . . . Complete article »
McBride, David; Shepherd, Daniel; Welch, David; and Dirks, Kim
Longitudinal study of the impact of wind turbine proximity on health related quality of life
Background. Wind turbine noise is known to cause annoyance and sleep disturbance, which are primary health effects. An additional risk factor is the trait of noise sensitivity, which describes individuals who are more likely to pay attention to sound, evaluate sound negatively and have stronger emotional reactions to noise. The result is chronic stress, the effects of which could be monitored through detecting stress related outcomes such as hypertension in exposed individuals. An alternative approach is to monitor health related . . . Complete article »
Shepherd, Daniel
Wind farms and health: Who is fomenting community anxieties?
TO THE EDITOR: By his deployment of ad hominem arguments, outdated or industry-sponsored research, comparison to an unrelated phenomenon, and a biased selection of case studies and research reports, I fear the pro–wind-industry opinions expressed by Chapman [1] will only serve to exacerbate the psychogenic and sociogenic processes he laments. Wind turbine noise must be treated like any other source of community noise, and its association with renewable energy must not excuse it from public health guidelines. The emergence of . . . Complete article »
Shepherd, Daniel; Hanning, Christopher; and Thorne, Bob
Noise: Windfarms
Abstract Windfarms consist of clusters of wind turbines, which, when placed in populated areas, are associated with intrusive and unwanted sound. A relatively new noise source, wind turbine noise has characteristics sufficiently different from other, more extensively studied, noise sources to suggest that preexisting noise standards are not appropriate. Though research into the human impacts of wind turbine noise has appeared only in the last decade and in small quantity, the data suggest that, for equivalent exposures, wind turbine noise . . . Complete article »
Hanning, Chris; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Shepherd, Daniel; Hartman, Raymond; and Green, Lilli-Ann
Comments on Mass. Wind Turbine Health Impact Study
Chris Hanning [download] An objective review of the evidence, using the brief provided, would have noted: 1. The large numbers of anecdotal reports and simple surveys which together provide good evidence that wind turbine noise harms health at distances currently permitted in most jurisdictions. 2. The published evidence of research examining the effects on wind turbine noise on annoyance, sleep and health. All five main studies show objective evidence of adverse effects at distances currently permitted in most jurisdictions as . . . Complete article »
Thorne, Robert; and Shepherd, Daniel
Wind turbine noise: why accurate prediction and measurement matter
ABSTRACT: On a decibel-for-decibel basis, wind turbine noise is commonly judged as significantly more problematic than most other community noise sources. As a relatively new source of community noise, however, methodological issues remain as to how wind farm noise should be measured, and how data should be collected to afford valid health assessments of turbine noise. Maintaining public health while ensuring that wind farm developments are not unnecessarily blocked has created a tension between the communities asked to host wind . . . Complete article »
Shepherd, Daniel; and Billington, Rex
Mitigating the Acoustic Impacts of Modern Technologies: Acoustic, Health, and Psychosocial Factors Informing Wind Farm Placement
Abstract: Wind turbine noise is annoying and has been linked to increased levels of psychological distress, stress, difficulty falling asleep, and sleep interruption. For these reasons, there is a need for competently designed noise standards to safeguard community health and well-being. The authors identify key considerations for the development of wind turbine noise standards, which emphasize a more social and humanistic approach to the assessment of new energy technologies in society. Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, published online 22 . . . Complete article »
Shepherd, Daniel; McBride, David; Welch, David; Dirks, Kim; and Hill, Erin
Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life
Abstract We report a cross-sectional study comparing the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of individuals residing in the proximity of a wind farm to those residing in a demographically matched area sufficiently displaced from wind turbines. The study employed a nonequivalent comparison group posttest-only design. Self-administered questionnaires, which included the brief version of the World Health Organization quality of life scale, were delivered to residents in two adjacent areas in semirural New Zealand. Participants were also asked to identify annoying . . . Complete article »
Shepherd, Daniel
Impact of Turbine Noise on Health and Well-Being
Wind turbines are a new source of community noise, and as such their effects on public health are only beginning to emerge in the literature. The recognition of a new disease, disorder, or threat to health usually follows a set pathway. First, doctors and practitioners attempt to fit symptoms into pre-defined diagnostic categories or to classify the complaints as psychosomatic. Second, as evidence accumulates, case studies begin to appear in the literature, and exploratory research is undertaken to obtain better . . . Complete article »
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