Resource Documents by Micic, Gorica
Micic, Gorica; et al.
Establishing the acute physiological and sleep disruption characteristics of wind farm versus road traffic noise disturbances in sleep: a randomized controlled trial protocol
Establishing the acute physiological and sleep disruption characteristics of wind farm versus road traffic noise disturbances in sleep: a randomized controlled trial protocol Introduction Wind farms continue to gain prominence as a major source of sustainable energy generation in over 90 countries. However, onshore wind farms are also a source of public concern and debate regarding potential adverse effects of wind farm noise (WFN) emissions on nearby communities. Sufficiently loud noise from any source has the potential to disturb sleep, . . . Complete article »
Hansen, Kristy; Nguyen, Phuc; Zajamšek, Branko; Micic, Gorica; and Catcheside, Peter
Pilot study on perceived sleep acceptability of low-frequency, amplitude modulated tonal noise
Abstract— The global expansion of wind farm facilities has been associated with community complaints regarding sleep disturbance. This may be related to the presence of amplitude modulation (AM) in wind turbine noise (WTN), which has been shown to result in increased annoyance. However, at present, it is unknown whether acceptability for sleep is judged differently to annoyance or if AM may be more problematic for sleep than other noise types. Previous studies have also focused predominantly on ‘swish’ noise rather . . . Complete article »
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