August 23, 2006
Health, Noise, Technology, U.K.

Investigation into wind farms and noise

Noise Association (U.K.)

This is a well balanced report, recognizing that not all people are disturbed by wind turbine noise and other effects and that ill effects are limited to 1-1.5 miles from the machines. It also shows that the noise, particularly in the lower frequencies, is generally not adequately measured.

Contents include: How wind turbines work, Wind Farm noise – the official guidelines, Wind farm noise – what the studies reveal, Wind Farm noise – the general impact, Wind farm noise – the impact when background levels are low, Wind Farm noise – the impact of infrasound and low-frequency noise, How wind farms affect my health – what people are saying, The impact on people’s health, and Sample noise measurements.

Pedersen’s arguments are persuasive that the dancing shadows and the rotating blades can significantly add to the annoyance and stress caused by noise from the turbines. The questions being asked by some in the medical profession as to whether this cocktail of effects – the noise, low-frequency, rotating blades, the shadows and the strobing – is leading to ill-health out of proportion to the noise turbines make, need serious examination.

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