July 8, 2019
Environment, Wildlife

Impact of wind energy on wildife and the environment

Henderson, Peter; Krüger, Oliver; Richarz, Klaus; and Byrne, Paula

This publication focuses on a topic that has previously been a taboo for policymakers, but also for nature conservation organisations in Germany. The environmentally destructive effects of renewable energies has never been widely discussed – mainly because they are seen as reducing carbon dioxide emissions. … The German Wildlife Foundation is not generally against wind energy. We are not opposed to any technology. But we are opposed to the unbridled expansion of energy projects in natural environments and natural spaces, a process that is increasingly happening today, especially in Germany. … The papers in this publication show what threats nature and wildlife now face from this expansion.

Fritz Vahrenholt, German Wildlife Foundation

The Global Warming Policy Foundation, an educational think tank based in London, does not have a position on wind energy or renewable energy. We neither oppose nor promote it. However, we are in favour of weighing up the pros and cons. Any form of energy production, whether conventional or renewable, has its costs and benefits, and many environmental problems come with every form of energy generation.

One of the big problems that confronts us today is that we live in an age where some of these issues are taboo; where particular topics cannot be openly discussed. Throughout history, whenever societies were faced with a lack of openness or censorship, grave mistakes have been inevitable. After all, you can only learn from mistakes if you are allowed to talk about problems openly. It is in this context that it is eminently important that the pros and cons of all forms of energy generation are openly addressed. Only by weighing up the pros and cons can politicians and the wider public get a better idea of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable.

We are not opponents of wind energy. Where wind energy makes sense it should be used. Wherever it is unreasonable and destructive, it should be avoided. The problem, of course, is that we often don’t fully understand the positive and negative impacts. I hope that this booklet will allow readers to have a better understanding of both German and international developments, so that the interested public can get a better picture of these particular problems of conservation.

Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Foundation

This paper, produced by the Global Warming Policy Foundation and the German Wildlife Foundation, takes a Europe-wide look at the conflict between wind energy and nature conservation. In many European countries, people are opposing wind energy projects that are destroying wildlife habitats. … In particular, the consequences of wind turbines in forests are serious for many types of wildlife. We observe with great concern the massive expansion of wind power in Germany’s forest areas. … An open and constructive debate on the consequences that wind energy can have on wildlife – from insects to black storks to wildcats – is more than overdue.

The German Wildlife Foundation regards wind energy as an important contributor to the energy mix of the future. Its further expansion in Germany, Europe and also worldwide, however, should not be promoted at any price. For Germany, at least for the construction of wind turbines in the forest, we demand a moratorium. This would allow us to reconsider the future course of action and, on the basis of scientific findings and national and European nature conservation laws, to adopt a far-sighted course in line with the precautionary principle that is enshrined in environmental policy.

Hilmar Freiherr von Münchhausen, German Wildlife Foundation

Ecological impacts of wind turbines – Peter Henderson, Pisces Conservation and University of Oxford
Wind power and birds of prey: problems and possible solutions – Oliver Krüger, University of Bielefeld
Wind energy in forests and species conservation: vision and reality – Klaus Richarz, Bundesverband Wissenschaftlicher Vogelschutz
Wind energy in Ireland – Paula Byrne, Wind Aware Ireland

© Copyright 2019 The Global Warming Policy Foundation [1]

Download original document: “The impact of wind energy on wildife and the environment [2]

See also: 
Green killing machines: The impact of renewable energy on wildlife and nature [3]”, by Andrew Montford
Truly Green? How Germany’s ‘Energy Transition’ is destroying nature [4]”, by Michael Miersch, director of the German Wildlife Foundation (Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung [5])
Grüne Energie? Wie ökologisch sind Windkraft und Biogas? [6]

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/documents/impact-of-wind-energy-on-wildife-and-the-environment/

URLs in this post:

[1] The Global Warming Policy Foundation: https://www.thegwpf.org/the-appalling-environmental-cost-of-wind-energy/

[2] The impact of wind energy on wildife and the environment: https://docs.wind-watch.org/wind-impact-wildlife-environment.pdf

[3] Green killing machines: The impact of renewable energy on wildlife and nature: https://docs.wind-watch.org/GreenKillingMachines.pdf

[4] Truly Green? How Germany’s ‘Energy Transition’ is destroying nature: https://docs.wind-watch.org/TrulyGreen.pdf

[5] Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung: https://www.deutschewildtierstiftung.de/

[6] Grüne Energie? Wie ökologisch sind Windkraft und Biogas?: https://docs.wind-watch.org/Miersch-German.pdf