September 7, 2015

Meaford fights against turbines; Meaford Council votes to join the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group

By Claire McCormack | September 7, 2015 |

Meaford has joined the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group, even though no companies are showing interest in putting wind farms in the municipality.

The decision to pay $700 a year for membership to the group was met by public applause at the Monday’s (July 27th) council meeting.

Meaford recently passed an “unwilling host” resolution.

It declared the municipality to be officially opposed to wind farms.

Back in May, Director of Planning and Building Services, Robert Armstrong, told council no companies have expressed interest in putting wind farms in Meaford for the past couple of years.

But the working group claims to be more than anti-wind turbine.

It also discusses ways in which communities who can’t stop wind farms from moving in can use them to their financial benefit.

The wind turbine group, which meets once a month, should allow Meaford and 13 other municipalities in Grey and Bruce counties to share information.

That will include learning about noise by-laws, road use agreements, fire suppression, health concerns and building permits with regard to wind turbines.

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