October 30, 2013

Ashford PZC rejects test tower for wind farm

By John Kennedy | Journal Inquirer | October 29, 2013 | www.journalinquirer.com

ASHFORD – Despite rejection Monday from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the alternate energy company with hopes of locating a wind farm here says it would consider reapplying for approval to put a test tower behind the Ashford Motel.

The PZC voted 7-1 to deny Snow Hill Wind’s application to erect a 197-foot, 8-inch test tower just north of Interstate 84 behind the motel.

Snow Hill Wind is a branch of Pioneer Green Energy and was represented at the meeting by Adam Cohen, a vice president at the renewable energy company and one of its founders.

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URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/10/30/ashford-pzc-rejects-test-tower-for-wind-farm/