January 8, 2013
Letters, Ontario

Bald eagles versus industrial wind turbines

The Sachem & Glanbrook Gazette | January 08, 2013 | www.sachem.ca

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) issued a permit to NextEra Energy to remove an active bald eagles’ nest. Unbelievable! The nest was reported by residents to MNR last summer and was confirmed active by MNR in the fall. The permit was issued on December 31, 2012, giving NextEra until January 6, 2013 to remove the nest. However, notice of the permit wasn’t posted on the Environmental Registry until late afternoon on January 4, 2013. Shame on the MNR for posting it so late that local residents were denied their rights to express their outrage.

On Saturday morning, January 5, 2013, near the lakeshore south of Fisherville, many who watched the crew cut the nest away were livid and all were absolutely sickened by the sight. The tree was scheduled to be removed to accommodate a turbine access road and a wind turbine.

Bald eagles are a species of special concern. Bird Studies Canada at Port Rowan has developed a bald eagle monitoring program for southern Ontario. For 2010/2011, there were 57 active nests in Southern Ontario with 41 nests being successful. Bald eagles look for nest sites in early winter. The permit notice states that “the eagles are not currently in the nest,” however, residents living in that area report having seen the pair in the nest on and off since November and as recently as this past week.

It’s unconscionable that the MNR, which is supposed to protect the environment, would permit this despicable deed, destroying and displacing these magnificent creatures’ chosen habitat. But why am I surprised? This Liberal non-government just continues to bend over backwards to rubber stamp everything for the wind industry no matter how many times our rights are denied or habitats are destroyed.

Betty Ortt,

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/01/08/bald-eagles-versus-industrial-wind-turbines/