March 13, 2012
Letters, Massachusetts

Bright idea could save plenty for Fairhaven 13 March 2012

Fairhaven has cleared an area to save electricity and lower energy usage with wind turbines at a minimum cost of $9 million and destruction of town forest land.

Here is an idea to save more money with no destruction, no humans hurt, no birds killed, for 5 percent of the cost.

The light bulb over our heads is the idea!

If you bought 20,000 compact fluorescent 100-watt lights bulbs, which use 23 watts, at a cost of $15 each for the townspeople and town buildings at a cost of $300,000.

This is $8.7 million less than a turbine, you would get a yearly savings of $200,000 (same as turbine) based on $.10 per kWh and four hours use per day.

That is an absolute drop in the use of electricity (really good for the environment). Using 20,000 bulbs times 77 watt savings times 4 hours day times 365 days equals 2,248 megawatt-hours, which is the same as an average wind turbine.

These don’t only work when the wind blows – they save electricity every night, 365 days of the year.

This is just one example of what money could buy in efficiency.

Imagine having another $8.7 million for other good ideas – talk about bang for the buck.

Also, no birds killed, no environment ruined, no bike path ruined, no people harmed with noise, no financial risk, no people in danger from falling industrial parts, no costly repairs, no ruining the legacy of Little Bay, no lawsuits!

Is the town of Fairhaven buying a turbine for the environment or just as a show piece?

Frank Haggerty


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