December 1, 2007
New York, Press releases

ECCO speaks out to the Town of Clayton Board

ECCO addresses the Town Council of Clayton on November 28, 2007 to amend their Local Law No1 2007 to standards consistent in line with the New York State Department of Conservation guidelines on noise: Assessing and Mitigating Noise. The Local Law for wind turbine regulations in the Town of Clayton must be changed to preserve the health and welfare of the residents of this project and those surrounding the project.

The Town of Clayton’s Local Law No 1 elected on 1/3/07 subjects residents of the Horse Creek Industrial Wind Farm project to excessive sound levels for hours of sleep. These levels could pose serious health risks to the 2000 plus residents that live in and surround this Industrial project. PPM Energy, the Horse Creek Developer’s noise impact study shows that over 75 percent of the resident in their study have increases of 10 dBA or higher for hours of sleep. A10 dBA in sound is an increase of TENFOLD of sound. The Town of Clayton set their Local Law for noise impact to a 50 dBA level. This means that the Town can legally allow the turbines to create noise up to 50 dBA of sound. This is not right. The Local Law must be amended and the 5 individuals that sit on the Town of Clayton Board are the only ones who can change this Law. ECCO feels very strongly that children and their families should not be placed in “harms way” from side effects that can lead to very real serious health problems. Residents must send a letter to the Town Council of Clayton requesting that the noise increase be no greater than 5dB over ambient sound and that it be assessed at the property lines. View the picture of the noise analysis for hours of sleep. Several agencies around the world and in the United States have continuity of guidelines for noise impacts to communities. A residents bedroom dBA is 25.

There are various laws enacted by Congress and the House of Representatives with attention to sleep deprivation from noise impact:

The Quiet Communities Act of 1997; Section 2 Congress finds:

Chronic exposure to noise has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular problems, strokes, and nervous disorders. Excessive noise also causes sleep deprivation and task interruptions, both of which pose untold costs on society in diminished worker productivity.

The Office of the Noise Abatement and Control US Environmental Protection Agency Noise Effects Handbook in which it clearly states: Chp6-4

“sleep is thought to be a restorative process during which organs of the body renew their supply of energy and nutritive elements, since noise can disrupt the sleep process, it may take its toll on health and well-being if it continues over long periods.

The Noise Control Act of 1972 enacted by Congress page 21 Section 4:

“Noise-induced sleep interference is one of the critical components of community annoyance. It can produce short term adverse effects, such as mood changes and decrements in task performance the next day, with the possibility of more serious effects on health and well-being if it continues over long periods.”

Review the summary of the CH2MHILL Noise Study performed by PPM Energy for Clayton Horse Creek Industrial Wind Farm: Out of the 330 plus homes in the project the study was only performed on 143 residents and the study was performed at 5 separate locations.

NYSCED Policy Guidelines noise

CH2M HILL report states: this is above the cut-in wind speed but is the lowest wind speed for which noise data is available, therefore, this analysis is believed to be somewhat conservative.

Horse Creek Industrial Wind farm consists of 62 industrial turbines in a small area that is 5 miles wide by 6 miles long. Each turbine machine weighs 60 plus tons with a height of 407 feet tall.

Wind Farm Horse Creek Setbacks – shows turbines & houses (Download PDF)

Environmentally Concerned Citizens Organization of Jefferson County, New York

30 November 2007

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