November 7, 2007

Permission refused again for windfarm

The party seeking to develop a three turbine wind farm at Sheskin in Bangor has been refused planning permission for a second time, writes Orla Hearns.

TOH Tawnaghmore Windfarm Ltd has been notified of the planning authority’s refusal on October 25 last to grant planning permission.

The applicant had sought to construct the three turbine windfarm together with an 80m high anemometer mast, 4.5m wide access road, a 4.5 m access road to each turbine and a 38 Kv substation. The total height of the turbines on the landscape would have been approximately 100m above ground level.

An identical application from the same applicant had previously been refused by Mayo Co Council on May 22 last. The grounds for refusal related to visual intrusion on the landscape and the impact the development will have on the adjoining Special Areas of Conservation – Carrowmore Lake Complex and Slieve Fyagh Bog.

Submissions were received on the latest application from the National Parks and Wildlife Services, An Taisce and one third party objector.

Having regard to the concerns expressed in the submissions and the objectives of the Mayo Co Development Plan 2003-2009, the planning authority has once again refused planning permission for the development on the grounds that it will interfere with the character of the landscape, which must be preserved. It was also deemed that the windfarm would adversely effect the conservation and preservation of the Carrowmore Lake Complex SAC.

It is not known yet whether this decision will be appealed.

By Orla Hearns

Western People

7 November 2007

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