June 28, 2009
Advertisements, Missouri

Victims of giant wind turbines

Porter, Charlie

Join the 950+ VICTIMS at:
www.NationalWindWatch.org [1]
and demand proper setbacks between
innocent peoples’ homes, schools, etc. and
to protect yourselves from the devastation, overwhelming
noise, sleep deprivation and proven health issues.
Many other concerns, facts, testimonies, etc. at:
www.WindTurbineSyndrome.com [2]
www.BetterPlan.SquareSpace.org [3]

[ad run in newspapers in 3 states]

Click here for global petition for 2-km setback [4]

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/alerts/2009/06/28/victims-of-giant-wind-turbines/

URLs in this post:

[1] www.NationalWindWatch.org: http://www.NationalWindWatch.org/

[2] www.WindTurbineSyndrome.com: http://www.WindTurbineSyndrome.com/

[3] www.BetterPlan.SquareSpace.org: http://www.BetterPlan.SquareSpace.org/

[4] Click here for global petition for 2-km setback: http://www.gopetition.com/online/26694.html