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Wind Power News: AMA


Also see:
Geoffrey Waite: “Letter to the AMA re Its Recent Paper Concerning Wind Turbines”
Sarah Laurie: “Open Letter to AMA on Position Statement: Wind Farms & Health 2014”
Carmen Krogh: “Adverse Health Effects and Industrial Wind Energy Facilities”
Bruce Rapley: “Letter to AMA: Audibility and Effects of Infrasound”

These news and opinion items are gathered by National Wind Watch in its noncommercial educational effort to help keep readers informed about developments related to industrial wind energy. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Wind Watch. They are the products of and owned by the organizations or individuals noted and are shared here according to “fair use” and “fair dealing” provisions of copyright law.

April 6, 2014 • Australia, New Zealand, Opinions, Print storyE-mail story

AMA ignored science of wind turbine noise

A considerable number of years ago, when I had the privilege of being the Chairman of the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council (Inc.) for several years, I was the leader of a small team of local mountain recreational people who formally made a presentation to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons’ seminar under the broad umbrella “Community First Aid”, during which we explained and discussed the New Zealand approach to mountain safety as this country’s contribution amongst the presentations from . . . Complete story »

April 6, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

Deep concern over AMA position statement

The Foundation is dismayed to be writing to an association of health professionals to express our deep concern over the factually incorrect, egregiously misleading, incautious position statement on wind and health published by the AMA last month. We are at a loss to understand the lack of rigour in the preparation of the statement unless the intent of the association is to publicly advocate for the wind industry. The AMA statement appeared shortly after the release of the National Health . . . Complete story »

April 6, 2014 • Australia, Denmark, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

Highly alarming position paper from a medical association

On the background of my long working life in community and occupational medicine, including environmental medicine and research, weighting the preventive aspects, I am shocked to read your position paper on wind farms and health. The style and language is definitely not based on scientific, medical wording but sounds much more of what we hear from the wind turbine industry and their sales promoting lobbyists. A pure worship to this “modern” technology. Based on technologies, that are in sharp contradiction . . . Complete story »

April 3, 2014 • Australia, Opinions, Print storyE-mail story

Comment on AMA position statement

No-one involved in acoustics or medicine could have avoided the recent Draft NHMRC Review and the subsequent AMA Position Statement on Wind Farms and Health irrespective of whether one was personally involved with wind turbine issues. Noise impacts every organism in an ecosystem, the soundscape, whether it be close-in mortality impact or more distant behavioural change. Underwater the 1982 UN Commission for the Law Of the Sea (UNCLOS) clearly indicated that noise is energy and energy impacts on even single . . . Complete story »

April 2, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

Letter to Chief Health Officer, Victoria

TO: Dr Rosemary Lester, Chief Health Officer, Victoria, Australia — You and your Department are well aware of impacts of industrial wind turbines on human health from reports from Victorian residents. This document explains precisely what is occurring for residents living in quiet rural areas and what physiological harm is occurring: http://waubrafoundation.org.au/resources/salt-n-lichtenhan-j-t-how-does-wind-turbine-noise-affect-people/ We experience many health problems living next door to the Cape Bridgewater Wind Farm in South West Victoria. I have read the statement by Mr. Mark Duchamp from . . . Complete story »

March 31, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

AMA Position Statement needs to be withdrawn and an apology proffered

The AMA Position Statement needs to be withdrawn and an apology proffered to people whose integrity is being sullied by such a thoughtless, ill-researched Position Statement. ‘Do no harm’ is a primary principal of the medical profession and with this Position Statement you harm people who live with and/or have lived with, and are adversely affected by wind turbines. The AMA provides no list of research, no references, no authors, just the usual regurgitation of wind industry spin. And we . . . Complete story »

March 31, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Netherlands, Print storyE-mail story

Another health organisation working for industry?

TO: AMA President Dr Steve Hambleton Vice President Professor Geoffrey Dobb All members of AMA Federal Council How is it possible that an organization like AMA comes with statements that will harm the people who suffer from the infrasound of wind turbines even more. Because of this statement these people will be put aside as people with psychiatric problems and therefore not worthwhile listening to …? Do you realize that your statement will have an impact on the international community as . . . Complete story »

March 29, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Ontario, Print storyE-mail story

Shocked and Disappointed in AMA’s Refusal to Support and Protect Victims of Wind Turbine Syndrome

Dr. Steve Hambleton, Australian Medical Association President: I am writing this letter to express my sincere disappointment, in the position that the Australian Medical Association has taken, in regard to Industrial Wind Turbines, and Health. There is NO evidence to prove that these machines are not harming people. As a matter of fact, all unbiased studies that have taken place, (not funded by wind proponents), did indeed show harm. It is unconscionable for the AMA to tout the wind industry . . . Complete story »

March 28, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

AMA dismissal of adverse effects is absurd

I have read the AMA Position Statement on the Health Effects of Wind Farms and I am alarmed. To dismiss any adverse effects is absurd in view of the mounting evidence. Even the wind industry seems to accept that wind farm noise causes annoyance and sleep disturbance and sleep deprivation. The emerging evidence of inadequate sleep as a major risk factor, particularly for Cardiovascular Disease, is overwhelming. If there is any chance of these associations being causal, your Association should . . . Complete story »

March 28, 2014 • Australia, Letters, Print storyE-mail story

Re: Wind Farms and Health 2014 Position Statement

I am a solicitor and farmer living in the Central Tablelands of N.S.W. I, and my wife, were approached by a wind farm developer in 2008 and thereafter to consider “hosting” industrial wind turbines on our farm. As a result, I (unlike the AMA) carefully researched and studied the “impacts” of wind farms on rural communities world wide in order to form an independent judgment in relation to these matters. Having done so, I was appalled to read the “Wind . . . Complete story »

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