Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
Wind Power News: Barbados
These news and opinion items are gathered by National Wind Watch in its noncommercial educational effort to help keep readers informed about developments related to industrial wind energy. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Wind Watch. They are the products of and owned by the organizations or individuals noted and are shared here according to “fair use” and “fair dealing” provisions of copyright law.
Slow speed on wind projects
Barbados appears to be blowing hot and cold over renewable energy projects involving wind power. Foreign and local experts believe the island has the environmental conditions suitable to produce electrical power from the wind. However, BARBADOS BUSINESS AUTHORITY investigations revealed that Town & Country Planning regulations concerning land use, and the likely interference wind turbines would pose to the radar system at the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) were the major stumbling blocks. Interested investors have already submitted applications to . . . Complete story »
Turbines causing turbulence
Members of the Josey Hill Residents Association once again had the opportunity to air their grievance against the proposed Barbados Light & Power (BL&P) wind turbine project. This time, they took their objection to the Chief Town Planning Officer’s Office at the Town Planning Department, The Garrison, St Michael, on Wednesday morning. Eleven wind turbines are due to be erected and in service sometime in 2009. Civil works are expected to begin in 2008 followed by the installation of equipment. . . . Complete story »
Residents challenge wind farm
The Barbados Light and Power Company is meeting growing resistance to its plan to construct a windfarm at Lamberts in St. Lucy. The residents have raised concerns about environmental risks including noise pollution at a town hall meeting over the weekend. The residents of Josey Hill and areas where the proposed farm is to be developed have unpleasant memories of Barbados’ lone experiment with wind power. This turbine at Berry Hill erected in 1986. Some of the residents say it . . . Complete story »
'No' to wind turbines
Residents of Josey Hill, St Lucy, have said an emphatic no to wind turbines in their area, at least until further testing is done. About 50 residents turned up Saturday night at a town hall meeting at the Phillipi Pentecostal Church in Josey Hill, to address the issue. Some of the concerns they raised about a proposed Barbados Light & amp; Power (BL & amp;P) wind turbine project at nearby Lamberts included noise pollution, reports of second-hand equipment and the . . . Complete story »
Wind turbines – nightmare noises
As always these articles are written to uplift and inform, and not to upset. I would like to produce a little information about wind turbines. These wind turbines produce a low frequency and audible noise while in motion and this noise has a pounding, thumping character and can be clearly heard at night. This pulsing character of high-level noise has been proven to disturb sleep, thus coining the name nightmare noises and is responsible for a number of health problems. . . . Complete story »