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Wind Power News: Aruba

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These news and opinion items are gathered by National Wind Watch in its noncommercial educational mission to help keep readers informed about developments related to industrial wind energy. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Wind Watch. They are the products of and owned by the organizations or individuals noted and are shared here according to “fair use” and “fair dealing” provisions of copyright law. The original articles, links to which are provided, may have additional links and photos and other media that were not included here.

February 5, 2013 • Aruba, BlogsPrint storyE-mail story

Aruba residents go to court to stop construction of wind turbine park at Urirama

Residents of Urirama and Alto Vista, united in organization Affected Residents Aruba (ARU) left Aruba Parliament during the wind turbine debate on Thursday January 31st 2013. “We are disappointed at the way the government has been treating our concerns.” a representative of ARU says. “The debate was dominated by political issues, in which filed and known facts, numbers and studies where abused to prove themselves right and political campaigning.” In a sound democratic process the responsibility of a government is . . . Complete story »

November 20, 2012 • ArubaPrint storyE-mail story

Aruba residents will go to court over wind turbine park Urirama at Alto Vista

Residents united in the Affected Residents Urirama group (URA) will go to court to initiate several judicial procedures against the plans to construct a windfarm at Urirama, Aruba. URA is very disappointed by both the reactions of the government as well as members of parliament on the evaluation of the Urirama MER (EIA) given by the Dutch MER commission and on the presented survey of American experts Dr. Michael Nissenbaum and Acoustical expert Robert Rand. The URA group states this . . . Complete story »

September 14, 2012 • ArubaPrint storyE-mail story

Signature drive against Urirama windturbine project

On Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. volunteers with the Affected Residents of Urirama group conducted a signature drive at different supermarkets, collecting signatures against the placement of a 10-windturbine park at Urirama. They stood at among others Superfood, Kong Hing, Certified Supermarket, Cheng’s Supermarket, Mundo Nobo and Hong Kong Supermarket. The group considers the signature drive important because they are convinced that not only the project will cause destruction to nature, but also will affect the people’s health. . . . Complete story »

May 18, 2012 • ArubaPrint storyE-mail story

Protest windmills at Urirama increases

ORANJESTAD – The protest march against the windmill park at Urirama may have seemed small but the number of signatures in the petition and the reactions on internet clearly indicate resistance it still growing. Furthermore, NGO’s such as Aruba Birdlife Conservation, Stimaruba and Rainbow Warriors openly declared themselves against the project. Neighbors have meanwhile consulted a lawyer, because as Julia de Ruijter (activist from the very beginning) stated very clear at the hearing yesterday: “We will go to court if the . . . Complete story »

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