January 20, 2024

Last meeting on proposed HH Hills wind farm coming Jan. 24th

John McKay. Published: January 19, 2024. 610kona.com

For over three years, there has been a battle raging over a massive proposed wind farm project that would wind its way for nearly 50 miles along the spine of the Horse Heaven Hills south of Finley and Kennewick. Now, the ‘final’ committee meeting is coming. Citizens have a chance to sign a petition (below) against the project (link).

EFSEC set to send draft proposal to Governor

The Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) is slated to meet January 24th, Wednesday, and they are expected to sign their draft recommendation and send it to Governor Inslee. They can recommend it, say no, or delay it.

Growing opposition has faced the project, much it from the local area group TC Cares. They have a petition that interested residents can sign, it will be submitted to EFSEC and sent to Governor Inslee.

The company behind the effort, Scout Energy of Colorado, wants to install hundreds of massive wind turbines along the spine of the Horse Heaven Hills.
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A lot of area residents oppose the project, including local officials and even the Benton PUD has been ‘wary’ and not warm to it. Numerous studies conducted by TC Cares and other groups show the environmental and visual effects it would have on the entire Tri-Cities area, including significant effects on property values.

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We are in a battle to save the Horse Heaven Hills from a huge wind turbine project.

The Horse Heaven Hills Wind project is huge – it stretches over 25 miles west to east and eight mile north to south, from south of Benton City all the way to Finley.

Up to 231 turbines 496-foot-high turbines or 150 turbines`671-foot-high turbines will cause significant environmental, health and safety issues along with negative impacts on agriculture, the wineries, tourism, real estate values and the local economy.

Tri-Cities C.A.R.E.S. is dedicated to educating the public and working with local governments and organizations to protect the interests of the citizens who will be impacted by this project.

Petition Letter in Opposition to the Horse Heaven Hills Wind Farm Project

To:  Governor Jay Inslee and the voting members of the Energy Facilities Siting Evaluation Council

We, the residents, homeowners, business owners, and visitors of the Tri-Cities and vicinity (stakeholders) oppose the Horse Heaven Hills Wind Farm Project.

This industrial scale wind farm is being presented as green, clean, and beneficial. However, there is ample evidence that this is simply not true.

This huge and poorly sited project will have significant negative impacts on wildlife, cultural resources, real estate and property values, tourism, air quality, public safety, and the growth and development of local and regional economies.

We ask that the responsible parties deny the Site Certification.

Why This Petition Matters

Issues Affecting Local Communities

Scope, Size, and Design Issues

Visual Impacts

Impacts to Wildlife & Cultural Resources

Impacts on Public Safety and Health

Impacts on Recreation, Tourism and Regional Economies

Bottom Line

The negative impacts of this project clearly outweigh the benefits. The project impacts cannot be mitigated through careful planning, proper siting, and regulatory measures.

The Project is not right for the Tri-Cities, the region, and the State of Washington.

For all these reasons, we the undersigned, state our formal opposition to the Horse Heaven Hills Wind Project and request that the Site Certification be denied.

Please sign this petition at gopetition.com, and learn more at TriCitiesCARES.org (and Facebook)

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2024/01/20/last-meeting-on-proposed-hh-hills-wind-farm-coming-jan-24th/