May 12, 2022
Letters, Michigan

Letter another example of a lack on integrity

PUBLIC FORUM: Letter another example of a lack on integrity | The Daily News | May 08, 2022 |

To the Douglass Township Board in reply to the letter you sent to my address through the Patriots for Montcalm.

I am not part of an anti-renewable energy group, nor is anyone in this township part of that group. I am part of a township coalition working toward protecting Douglass township from the hazards of the big fans. Please stop portraying us as the bad guys while you play victim. You are not the victims. You are the perpetrators of this community division.

Please clarify for us what principles you stood up for by putting Paul Olsen on the planning commission. While Paul Olsen may be rooted in Douglass township, he was selected by Dan Paris and Apex to be a part of the county ‘steering committee’ to push this project to success. You knew that.

In the letter you thank the people for reaching out to you who support renewable energy because a landowner has the right to be a steward of their land as they see best. I feel the same. You are not thanking me or any of us that have spoken up for our land rights for over two years now.

The letter states you want more tax money from the turbines like Carson City and Gratiot. Why? So you can waste that money as the township is repeatedly sued for violations of light flicker, property values declining, etc …You cannot even clean up Entrican in all these years, we cannot trust you to to enforce turbine violations.

You state that you have always ‘considered’ the health, safety and welfare of the community. You may have “considered” it but you certainly are doing nothing to “protect” it.

You’re bragging about a combined 30 years of experience, yet cannot post meetings correctly, inform the public of your intentions, laugh at and lie about community members, along with placing Paul Olsen on the planning commission, you deserve to be recalled.

How are you not ashamed of yourselves? How are you proud to send a letter from a supposed “Patriots for Montcalm” group who disguises themselves in the word “patriot” who recently acted as the PAC for the Welder campaign. At least now we clearly understand what and whom you support.

If you had acted with integrity you wouldn’t be sending this pathetic groveling letter, asking to keep your position; your integrity would have spoken for you.

Kimberly Croy

Douglass Township

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