March 5, 2022

2nd hearing on Douglass Twp. recall set for March 23

By Elisabeth Waldon | Daily News | March 05, 2022 |

Multiple additional rounds of proposed recall language were filed against the Douglass Township Board on Thursday, just days after the Montcalm County Election Commission voted to deny the first round of recall language.

Ben Reynolds of Douglass Township filed recall petitions on Feb. 14 against four Douglass Township Board members – Supervisor Terry Anderson, Clerk Ronda Snyder, Treasurer Amy Laper and Trustee Tom Jeppesen. The Election Commission voted 3-0 on Monday to deny the proposed recall language due to lack of clarity.

Reynolds was exhaustive in filing proposed recall language in his second attempt – filing three sets of proposed language against each of the four township board members for a total of 12 sets of recall language. In his second attempt in getting recall language approved, Reynolds used language from the township board’s own Feb. 23 letter they submitted in their support at the first recall hearing (a letter containing claims which were hotly disputed by a former planning commissioner at Wednesday’s Douglass Township Board meeting – see accompanying story).

The Election Commission will hold a clarity hearing at 11 a.m. on March 23 in Stanton to consider Reynolds’ second round of proposed recall language.

Reynolds submitted recall language against Anderson as follows:

• “On Jan. 5, 2022, Terry J. Anderson voted to appoint Paul Olson to the Douglass Township Planning Commission despite the fact that Mr. Olson had signed a Nov. 4, 2019 letter as a member of a landowner group negotiating for ‘long-term wind easements with Apex Clean Energy’ and later signed a wind energy easement agreement with Coral Wind I LLC on or about March 30, 2020. Terry J. Anderson voted to appoint Mr. Olson to the Douglass Township Planning Commission with full knowledge that Paul Olson’s contractual relationship with Coral Wind I LLC would preclude him from deliberating or voting on any matter involving the creation or adoption of a wind energy zoning ordinance.”

• “On Jan. 5, 2022, Terry J. Anderson voted in favor of appointing Paul Olson to the Douglass Township Planning Commission. To quote the letter previously submitted to the Election Commission members by Terry J. Anderson, ‘We did vote yes for Paul Olson and the reason was because Paul had already been told he would need to recuse himself from any wind ordinance discussion and voting.’ By voting yes, Terry J. Anderson knowingly eliminated a Planning Commission member from any deliberating or voting on a wind energy ordinance.”

• “On Jan. 5, 2022, Terry J. Anderson voted in favor of appointing Paul Olson to the Douglass Township Planning Commission. Terry J. Anderson knew Mr. Olson had signed a wind energy easement agreement with Coral Wind I LLC and that he would not be able to deliberate or vote on any matter involving a wind energy ordinance.”

Reynolds’ proposed recall language against Snyder and Jeppesen is identical to the language filed against Anderson, but the language filed against Laper is a slightly different as she abstained from casting a vote regarding appointing Olson to the Planning Commission.

“By not voting, Amy Laper was not fulfilling her duties as a board member,” Reynolds wrote.

[rest of article available at source]

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