August 28, 2021
Australia, Letters

Destroying Aboriginal heritage

The Mercury | 27 Aug 2021 |

The Tasmanian planning laws are a tool to effectively destroy the memories of Aboriginal people, the places my ancestors lived and things they created.

Aboriginal heritage and memory was not even mentioned in the HCC’s rejection of the cable car project despite Kunyani being spiritually revered by Aboriginal people. In the north west, Robbins Island was the home of several hundred Aboriginal people at any one time, over 60,000 years. Aboriginal villages were placed among the tea-tree forests and near to where the kangaroo apples were abundant.

Corroborees were held, marriages took place, children were born. Thousands of my people are buried there.

A UPC wind farm proposal will install 300 wind turbines on 100 x 100 metre concrete footings, with road works extending all over the island to build and service the towers.

A gravel pit will be dug up on the island. Sand on the island will be mined. A superficial ‘sticks and stones’ survey for Aboriginal heritage in 2002 found nothing, despite thousands of generations of Aborigines having lived there. Memory counts for nothing. Consultation with Aboriginal people?

On 9th February 2021, UPC informed the Land Council “as we’re still making revisions to the DPEMP Michael Mansell will have to wait until the document is on public display.”

Michael Mansell
Chairman Aboriginal Land Council


Five out of six Circular Head votes were Liberal in the last election, endorsing the massive Marinus North-West energy zone, Robbins Island and Stanley wind factories, Salmon expansion, seismic testing for oil in the Bass Strait and the continued trend of valuable farm assets acquired by offshore interests.

Surely though, a diverse economy underpinned by assured retention of iconic regional landmarks could make Circular Head more resilient and attractive (long-term) to a broad range of investors, rather than have the entire region’s identity decided by the next big business, seeking to repurpose our exquisite places as a salmon, wind or fossil fuel resource.

Tourism operators, shellfish farms, wild fisheries, and residents contribute to the vibrancy of our community.

It seems divisive to welcome investments in direct conflict to the currently established in a scenario that makes winners and losers.

It’s obscene; as the climate crisis is adopted tokenistically to gaslight community concern for railroading questionably sited wind farms, simultaneously offshore oil is proposed!

Success manifests in a fetishised form when it exists solely in financial ambition above community, small business and the inheritance of a liveable environment for children.

Rebecca Tyers
Boat Harbour


The Mercury article (August 20) covering Andrew “Twiggy” Forrests’ proposed hydrogen and ammonia plant at Bell Bay is exciting if the operation comes to fruition, although I view the numbers quoted with some scepticism.

I fully agree with Dr Forrest’s comments that he does not agree with the proposed Marinus Link, seeing it as an undersea cable exporting our power and jobs to the mainland.

I believe the folly of the Marinus Link is being compounded by the proliferation of wind turbines in the state.

The proposed turbines near Stanley will overshadow and mar that magnificent historical town.

The turbines will be sighted on prime agricultural land which is a prostitution of that land in my opinion.

If in years to come the turbines are seen as not cost effective or wear out, there is a possibility they may be abandoned by the wind turbine companies.

The huge cost of removal of these massive concrete structures would then most likely mean they remain as ugly monuments to environmental stupidity.

Mark Ranson
West Hobart

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