March 25, 2021
Indiana, Letters

Legislators need to protect wetlands, home rule

Letters | South Bend Tribune | Mar 25, 2021 |

Our wetlands of Indiana are under attack by our Indiana legislators, along with our Home Rule Act that has been on the books for 40 years.

Right now, our Indiana senators on the utilities committee are going to take away home rule if you don’t call them and stop House Bill 1381. This bill takes away your county commissioners’ control of what happens in your county as to where solar panels and wind turbines can go. Currently, 32 counties in Indiana have banned wind turbines with the Indiana Home Rule Act. HB 1381 takes away what is going to happen in your county and will give the control to the “Big Brother” Indiana Utilities Committee that won’t care about your local rights as to where the wind turbines or solar panels are placed in your county or backyard. The Indiana Farm Bureau, the Association of Indiana Counties and Association of Indiana County Commissioners all oppose this overreach by the state. Hoosiers’ only hope is to call your state senator and let them know to vote against House Bill 1381, which takes away Indiana’s Home Rule Act.

Paul Levett


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