February 19, 2021
Colorado, Letters

Not ready for prime time

Letters | The Gazette | Colorado Springs Gazette | gazette.com

After reading the the article about the power shortage in Texas, you’d think the people in charge would rethink the alternative energy plan. Anyone with knowledge of energy production such as coal-fired power plants, natural gas pipelines, compressor stations, nuclear power plants and the like produce massive amounts of heat when running. It is obvious that someone made some very serious mistakes in Texas with regards to the power grid.

We know that there has been a huge failures of alternative energy all over the world. Germany, in fact, has had a total failure in their green energy plan. It is common knowledge that wind turbines freeze up in the freezing rain; solar can’t produce when there is no sunlight.

We know that in that last four years, the U.S. has reduced is CO2 output and carbon footprint. The left’s narrative has been driving the climate thing since I can remember in the 1960s. Here we are. The renewable energy is not ready for prime time, maybe someday.

Wyoming has chosen not to tear down their coal-fired power plants knowing they will need the power to keep their state safe.

After seeing what happened in Texas, Gov. Jared Polis wants to push forward with more of the wind turbines and solar. You can bet he has plenty of standby power at his house in Boulder that is powered by diesel or natural gas.

Trig Travis


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2021/02/19/not-ready-for-prime-time/