January 22, 2021
Colorado, Letters

Greenhouse gas plan will reduce little except power reliability

Letters: Greenhouse gas plan; ‘doing what is good’ | Times-Call | January 21, 2021 | www.timescall.com

A Jan. 15 Times-Call article noted the issuance of the finalized Colorado plan for greenhouse gas emission reduction. No significant changes are apparent from last year’s draft plan. So, my comments on the draft plan in the Oct. 20, 2020, Times-Call still apply. I noted then that the plan is massive in scope and invokes a level of government interference and control in our lives never before seen.

Power generation will be shifted almost completely to wind and solar. Power requirements will also be greatly increased by the extensive electrification required by the plan, including all commercial and residential heating as well as the entire transportation sector. The result will be the eradication of the oil and gas industry and the blanketing of the state with wind turbines and solar panels.

The implementation cost is likely to exceed $100,000 for every Colorado household. The probable level of power rate increases can be seen from looking at California, which embarked on a similar plan several years ago. The cost of electric power in California has risen to a level almost twice that of the present cost in Colorado. There have also been serious decreases in California electrical power system reliability, as evidenced by waves of rolling blackouts.

And, if the goal of the plan is met, Colorado greenhouse gas emissions will be decreased by about 2 billion metric tons between now and 2050. According to the EPA, that 2 billion ton reduction will be about one-eighth of 1 percent of the expected global emissions of those gases between now and 2050, making the effect on the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere undetectable. So while disrupting the state’s economy and power system reliability, the plan accomplishes nothing in regard to averting greenhouse gas warming.

Carl Brady


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2021/01/22/greenhouse-gas-plan-will-reduce-little-except-power-reliability/