January 19, 2021
Australia, Letters

Driven by greed

Letter | Boorowa News | January 19 2021 | www.boorowanewsonline.com.au

On reading your article in the Boorowa News [Driven by the Wind, January 14]) I find it ironic that the Rye Park Wind Farm will be powering a mine!

Is this where we are headed, just keep building more and more power stations, which is all a wind farm is, so that we can keep taking more and more from our earth?

In the case of the Rye Park Wind Farm it is particularly ironic that the precious, and in some cases endangered, flora and fauna of the Rye Park area will be so greatly impacted just so Newcrest’s Cadia Mine at Orange can be ‘part-powered’.

In the same edition of your newspaper, TILT Renewables have an Invitation for Public Comment on their reply to the Controlled Action requested in relation to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

This is yet another overly large document they are submitting, this time to the Federal Department of Environment, to try to justify the destruction of endangered habitats for Superb Parrot, Golden Sun Moth, White-throated Needletail swift, Woodlands and Grasslands.

Boorowa should be concerned about this proposed development which is currently in the process of seeking approval for an increase in turbine size to 200 metre.

Many of the residents will have seen the progression of the Bango Wind Farm, the distances these monuments to ‘Renewable Energy” can be seen in the landscape, the disruption to traffic on the Lachlan Valley Way and the destruction to the landscape that has been occurring over the last 18 months to ‘reduce the impacts of climate change’.

I believe Boorowa will actually become the laughing-stock of the environmental world, spending so much time and money to ‘Save the Superb Parrot’, and using it as the town’s emblem, whilst at the same time allowing itself to be surrounded by huge turbines that will aid in destroying habit, nesting trees and feeding grounds both in the construction phase and ongoing operation.

No amount of funds and donations to the community and short term jobs can replace the permanent loss of ecosystems, animals, birds, and Hollow Bearing nesting trees such as will occur in the beautiful hills of Rye Park.

Perhaps a better headline for the aforementioned article on the front page would have been ‘Driven by Greed’.

Jayne Apps
Rye Park

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2021/01/19/driven-by-greed/