December 16, 2020
Letters, Prince Edward Island

Flights of fancy over wind power

Contributed | The Chronicle Herald | December 16, 2020 |

With reference to the opinion piece published on renewable energy (Advancing technologies, Dec. 3). The writers claim that renewable energy is now “five times cheaper than coal.”

I don’t know where they get such a figure, as any electrical engineer knows that coal is the cheapest form of generation. I don’t like calling people names, and in this case I will just say the writers are deluded.

Wind and solar power appear cheap because of massive subsidies. Everywhere they have been installed in large numbers, electricity prices have soared. Please go to Germany or California and talk to ordinary people who have seen their electricity bills reach such heights that they can’t pay them.

There are some half a million people in Germany who are in dire straits with power bills. I know, I have been there and talked with them. Since Germany phased out its nuclear plants and installed renewables, their electricity is now the most expensive in Europe, while France, with 80 per cent nuclear generation, has the cheapest.

I have observed that people who imagine they are saving the planet are capable of the wildest flights of fancy. I’m sorry, you are not saving us, you are contributing to economic and environmental disaster.

Peter Noakes,

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